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Posts posted by LTCAlex

  1. My understanding is that it was part of Palpatine's "long con" with the end goal being an army he could directly control, hence all of the "backroom dealings" and secrecy involved with the creation of the Clone Army. He manufactured a war with the Separatists to justify the creation of the army in the future when it was discovered he'd done all of that, and played the propaganda cards right in the Senate to get approval, despite the disapproval fomenting within the Republic.

  2. I've only ever taken my glasses off for approval pictures. Otherwise I've worn them the whole time at troops. Then again, I'm not aiming for "face character", just "generic character", so that might be a factor for some costumes. I'm far too afraid to try wearing contacts and I'm too broke for laser eye (and rather afraid of the risks) so...glasses it is. 


  3. Joining on a budget is hard but doable. For me I just do it piecemeal, one part at a time as I can afford them. That's also how I'm building my Staff Officer.


    It mostly depends on where you get your stuff from. I got my Imperial Crew flightsuit from Cosplaysky because it was the cheapest option for an affordable/approvable flightsuit. I got my hat from a friend for a good price but I know there are several reputable vendors on the forums. My belt I had custom made (unfortunately not cheap, but it looks real good), the gloves I got from Wampawear, and the boots I got from the TIE Pilot Builder's group on Facebook for a real steal when a guy was selling his. With all parts it's good to constantly keep an eye out on groups and forums in the buy/sell sections. Sometimes people are trying to get rid of their things so you might get it at a much more affordable price. 

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