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Posts posted by Speigel

  1. I think it might have been the picture... but you're right... we are going to go back and a add some darker time... as well as blend it a bit better.. I used diamond white eyeshadow for the highlights... didn't have any paint... 

  2. On 5/26/2017 at 0:31 PM, Bcarp100 said:

    Looks awesome! I like your blaster a lot, did you make the print file? 

    I did not... I had a great friend make it for me... I supplied him reference shots, and he did a phenomenal job on it.. I'll get it posted up later tonight. If you're interested, I can also pass his name along to you, so long as he minds.

  3. I'm uploading from my phone... and I've run in to a size cap lol. I'll post some good stuff when I get home lol.


    But I thoroughly enjoyed being blue..


    The garrison and I went out to dinner - BBQ- and a couple of folks recognized me as Thrawn... which... I was excited about :-P

  4. That took us around 2 hours... factor included :


    First time doing airbrush on a person.


    Miniature needle used instead of larger gauge- took longer than necessary.


    Temperature effected the paint. Cause coagulation. If you go with airbrush, I'd advise doing it in a controlled environment.


    We used alcohol based paint. Lasted about 5 hours outside at 90+ degrees, and no bleeding on anything/anyone.

  5. Airbrush... had a couple issues with it... but we've figured them out fairly well... also got a stencil for the eyes too...


    I can wait to get the contacts... my code cylinders are coming in today, so Yay!

  6. First test for make up... used fingers to add the red... big mistake... but figured out how to correct that problem... also, my wig had recently been styled, and is totally under control .. that was a process!


    Wonderful officer's pistol!!


    And epaulettes that are currently being printed!


    ...more to come soon.





  7. Greetings! So I'm currently building Thrawn... seems to be a very popular costume ;)

    Anyways, I recently purchased my wig, body paint, officer boots, officer's pistol is being made, rank bar, neck adornments, epaulettes, belt and buckle, and full sclera contacts.


    I'm currently stuck on finding a pattern for the tunic and pants... I'm running more towards the new book Thrawn, but have plans to also do Rebel's Thrawn in the future.


    Could anyone point me in the direction of finding a pattern for his officer's uniform, as well as fabric material? 


    I'd greatly appreciate it <3





    **Note: Pictures of my current accessories/body painting progress will be posted as soon as possible.**

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