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Posts posted by SorrowL

  1. I had the same issue. I bought my own leather and got a blank buckle and put the two together. I went for the thicker belt cause it gives off a much nicer look and is more militaristic in my eyes. I dismantled my belt and kept it flattened under books and other heavy objects after warming it up until I felt it was good to take off the weight. 

  2. Welcome to the IOC!


    The whole approval process starts on the 501st.com website. When you click on “Our community”, there is an option that says “join the legion”. Before you do that step you should already have a complete uniform that follows the CRL guidelines. After you submit your 501st application on the site, you’ll be reached out to by your local Garrison, who will request for images of your costume. You can also send them the images via their GML/membership email beforehand to expedite the process a bit.


    In terms of building a costume, you can really start at any part that you feel is a comfortable starting point. Some people get small items first, then get bigger objects. Others go out on a mass online buying spree and get a ton of things to finish their first uniform quickly, some might also just buy a complete set. It’s all based on personal preference.


    As mentioned by xAlpha, you can request a mentor who will assist you personally, which is very helpful if you don’t know where to start for a costume.

  3. From what I know about Jedi Robe, they aren't something I'd suggest. Especially for the price the whole tunic looks weird to me. It appears to be missing a modesty panel, and I don't even see code cylinder pockets. There isn't even an image of the rear provided. You can get a much higher quality uniform for around 20 euros more, that is tailored to your body from Cosplaysky. I personally wouldn't suggest touching that uniform from Jedi Robe if you're looking for 501st approval.

  4. Is the leather belt attached to the buckle? If it isn’t, you’ll need to unscrew the large snap on the leather belt and put the end through the loop on the buckle, then reattach the snap to put the buckle on the belt. I’ll assume the imperial disc is already on the buckle.


    After you do that, you need to try the belt on (with your uniform on at best) in order to see where to best put a hole on the belt to have the perfect fit. Generally you want it to be snug, but not squeezing the air out of you, and also not loose enough to just slide down.


    Once you have the location of where you need to pierce the leather, I suggest you mark that spot with a pencil. If you have a hole punch tool for belts and leather, this part is pretty easy: find a size on your tool that fits the stub on the belt and pierce your belt in the center of the marked location. If you don’t have a leather hole punch tool, you can also use a power drill, awl, or a large enough nail to pierce a hole. 

  5. I personally found The Last Jedi to be alright. I went and saw it twice, and the second time I enjoyed it more, probably because I spent more time focusing on the actual film than on the story. I noticed new things, found the humor to be worth a laugh. 


    It isn’t the greatest Star Wars, but I wouldn’t rate it among the worst. It’s average to me. A lot of the plot was pretty alright, the twists and deaths that occurred I can respect by viewing it with an open mindset. 

  6. I personally enjoyed the movie. Had fun watching it. Quite a lot of action in the movie. I personally found the character progression to be nice. The background expansion on other characters was refreshing. Some surprising things happened, but nothing as baffling as "Luke, I am your father". Whilst I know the movie is in the First Order era, I decided to wear my R1 ISB uniform to celebrate the release of the new movie. My Girlfriend did the same and wore her Staff Officer uniform.


    The movie theater I was at had a Scarif backdrop nearby so my Girlfriend and I decided to get our picture taken.


    All in all I enjoyed the movie! I personally found it to be entertaining, humor was added in nice moments and there were enough surprises to make me think "wow! Didn't see that coming!". I personally give it a 8/10 if I had to give it a number rating.



  7. 13 hours ago, nickgillam said:

    It's kind of sad how it's one of the best feelings in gaming right now, but you've got to take your wins where you can get them now I guess.


    Yeah it’s unfortunate,  but if you make the best of it you’ll have a good time too, especially if you play the game with a good friend.

    making the best of any situation usually feels better than getting all negative about it. 

  8. 20 hours ago, nickgillam said:

    You're one of few I've seen that don't seem swayed too much by this. I enjoyed 2's beta and still want to get it, but the P2W aspect of it makes me skeptical on whether or not I will enjoy as much as I would want.

    The best is if you play better and destroy the P2W players. That’s when it feels good, and that will be my goal in the game to show that skill is above the dollar. 

  9. I’ve enjoyed battlefront since it’s release. A lot of things irk me but I tend to not play it so much for it to anger me (getting blaster pistoled from across the map). I’m level 79 in the game and knowing me I don’t fear the paywall in Battlefront 2. It’s disappointing that they did what they did. I heard that one person paid around 80$ to have access to Darth Vader which is ridiculous. 


    Im fine with micro transactions to kind of “fast pass” your way to better equipment, especially for fans who get the game months after release and want to be caught up, but there are limits to the amount. 80$ isn’t micro anymore, and it’s disappointing. I hope it doesn’t break the experience and have an enemy team of super steroid rebels storm my position whilst I use a blaster basically set to stun.. 


    I personally will be getting battlefront 2 this week, but I don’t plan on spending much on crates or other junk. I’ll probably play it enough to not need to pay more to it, I hope. I also hope they fixed that ghastly partner system. I’d like a more squad approach seen in DICEs other games like battlefield so I can actually play with more than just one friend. 

  10. The style of Imperial Officers dates farther back then the nazis. I don't fear wearing my current WIP ISB R1 uniform, nor am I ashamed to do so. My girlfriend and I even walked to our local cinema to see Blade Runner 2049 whilst wearing the uniforms to get a feel for them and to break into our new boots. I'll say it was pretty comfortable wearing the uniform in the theater. Got a lot of "you're 2 months early, officer" comments which made us smile and laugh (considering last Jedi comes out on December 14th here). Had to unbuckle my waist belt though after awhile. People at the theater did recognize us and it was pretty great! If anyone asked us why we dressed the way we did, we just said: "Officers of the Empire need some time off too you know."


    ... we've even been called a police officer before by some 10 year olds.. that was awkward to say the least.


    People who would call an imperial officer a nazi are just ignorant to the artwork that the Star Wars universe is and portrays. 


    They might as well call any equestrian horse rider a nazi too, cause they wear jodhpurs and boots. The world is full of ignorance and misinformed people. 

  11. It's really helpful to browse which uniform you'd like to wear. Be sure to read the requirements for each one and see which one you want.




    All the green marked square entries include pictures and a ton of detail on what is needed. I'd suggest browsing that and picking which one you'd like to go with. Decide if you want to aim for Level 3 right away, or level 2 or if you're just looking to get into the 501st with level 1 requirements.


    after you've chosen what you want, all you have to do is start assembling your uniform. It's completely up to you what you want to start with. If you find anything locally or online, take some pictures, share them on the forum and if you're unsure, a lot of informed members on the forum can help tell you why or why not something is 501st approvable (or CRL level) based on images you share. 


    A great place to start on the forums I think is the "Getting Started" section, which has a bunch of information on reputable vendors for items.  Tutorials on how to build your own uniform items and tips and tricks also exist on the forum.





    Another place to start is the Introduction forum. Once you find which uniform you plan on having (or before you do that, it's up to you really), you can introduce yourself to the forum community, say hello! Share some information on who you are and what you love. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, lantern2745 said:

    I'm not sure they really fixed it. At least not the cape collar. Either that's too tall or the tunic collar is too short.

    They fixed the color at least, it seems. I personally didn't see the previous krennic uniform that I heard anovos showed somewhere, but, I did hear a lot of people mentioning it was very oddly colored. The cape itself still seems oddly colored but at least the tunic is white now.

  13. The image has pretty high grain / ISO noise, can't really see the details in the uniform itself. I'd personally suggest retaking the image in a more naturally lit environment and/or turn the flash on to keep ISO noise to the minimum, to help everyone see the finer details of your nice uniform. Everyone else makes valid points about the leveling of the bar and stirrups on the pants. The blaster itself looks good so far, but the handle does look like plastic as you stated.

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