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Posts posted by nickgillam

  1. 32 minutes ago, bjsavage7 said:

    usually if a movie (any movie) doesn't strike you the first time, and you hope watching it again will change that opinion, it basically means that you didn't like it and are trying to talk yourself into liking it. 

    This was me in R1. I didn't necessarily like it in the original viewing, so when it came to Netflix I watched it again hoping it would be better, and it  just didn't happen.

  2. 1 hour ago, nocternus said:

    Slow, too much trying to turn it into a comedy and things that did not make sense ruined it for me



    I got to agree. Rian Johnson's style doesn't suit Star Wars. A certain scene of a certain character in a certain space battle had me think "Is it too late to get a refund?" This movie wasn't executed very well.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Steven said:

    It was too long and it left me behind dissatisfied, but I still can't finally say if I like it or not. I'll have to watch it again, maybe then I can say more.

    It really only felt long to me because around 1/3 of the movie was just boring/filler. I'm going to rewatch it again in IMAX when I travel to see family in a few weeks, but I don't know if much will change. Though I did enjoy TFA more after seeing in IMAX when I went to see family during its release.

  4. Has anyone had experience on getting their hat off a listing from Etsy? The hat is the next piece I'm wanting to get for a couple of builds, and don't know who is trustworthy or not (if any).


    i.e, https://www.etsy.com/listing/197982530/star-wars-imperial-officer-caps-501st?ref=rv_more-1-3 


    This listing has "501st approvable" in the title listing, and didn't know if was meant to be clickbaity or not, and someone in the review section of the listing claimed it was approved.

  5. 6 hours ago, Sokar117 said:

    So now they have pulled the ingame purchasing system from the game (temporarily). Good to see that the reaction from the players has some effect. 



    Even though it's a temporary thing (but how long is temporary?), at least EA is finally listening to fans. Probably only after their Reddit post was the most downvoted in history by a mile. 

  6. 8 hours ago, SorrowL said:


    Yeah it’s unfortunate,  but if you make the best of it you’ll have a good time too, especially if you play the game with a good friend.

    making the best of any situation usually feels better than getting all negative about it. 

    Very true. The only friends I have that are interested in in play PS4, which I don't have. Universal cross platform support can't come soon enough.


    18 hours ago, DarthFunk83 said:


    Depending on who or where you are ordering from, you can sometimes get custom sizing so that the uniform will fit you much better. Cosplaysky does it, as does Magnoli Clothiers. 

    I'm a bit iffy on getting mine from Cosplaysky. I've seen some other people having problems from their costumes (namely the elephant ear problem). I have my eye on Magnoli, but pricing is very high, but the quality is excellent. I have a very shaky job security at the moment, so still looking to keep options open.

  8. 1 hour ago, DarthFunk83 said:


    Yeah, definitely. Here's an article about it. It wasn't the original one that I read, but I think it still gives the same info. There are some details on what the single player DLC will actually be, so some spoilers ahead. Also, because of the potential spoilers in the article, I didn't read the whole thing. 



    Intriguing. Didn't read much cause of spoilers (duh), but it's always a happy day to see games getting single player DLC, and free at that.

  9. 2 hours ago, SorrowL said:

    The best is if you play better and destroy the P2W players. That’s when it feels good, and that will be my goal in the game to show that skill is above the dollar. 

    It's kind of sad how it's one of the best feelings in gaming right now, but you've got to take your wins where you can get them now I guess.

  10. 2 hours ago, DarthFunk83 said:


    I'm definitely in the minority here, but all I care about is the single player. I've heard it was short too, which was very disappointing, but the game is already pre ordered so... Whatever. I've heard there will be a free single player DLC which made me a bit happier, but we'll have to see. 

    Single player DLC? First I've heard of it. I'm also in the minority of wanting more single player content/games, so if it is true, that would be awesome.

  11. 5 hours ago, SorrowL said:

    I’ve enjoyed battlefront since it’s release. A lot of things irk me but I tend to not play it so much for it to anger me (getting blaster pistoled from across the map). I’m level 79 in the game and knowing me I don’t fear the paywall in Battlefront 2. It’s disappointing that they did what they did. I heard that one person paid around 80$ to have access to Darth Vader which is ridiculous. 


    Im fine with micro transactions to kind of “fast pass” your way to better equipment, especially for fans who get the game months after release and want to be caught up, but there are limits to the amount. 80$ isn’t micro anymore, and it’s disappointing. I hope it doesn’t break the experience and have an enemy team of super steroid rebels storm my position whilst I use a blaster basically set to stun.. 


    I personally will be getting battlefront 2 this week, but I don’t plan on spending much on crates or other junk. I’ll probably play it enough to not need to pay more to it, I hope. I also hope they fixed that ghastly partner system. I’d like a more squad approach seen in DICEs other games like battlefield so I can actually play with more than just one friend. 

    You're one of few I've seen that don't seem swayed too much by this. I enjoyed 2's beta and still want to get it, but the P2W aspect of it makes me skeptical on whether or not I will enjoy as much as I would want.

  12. 18 hours ago, lantern2745 said:

    The only reason I bought a PS4 was for Star Wars Battlefront.  It looked and sounded so good!  But the game play.  Oh man the game play.  I find no words to adequately convey how awful it was.  Unbalanced is a start I suppose.

    I played for MAYBE 4 hours.  Paid for a bunch of DLC that I never downloaded.

    One thing I really hated was the heroes.  So a bunch of them in Battlefront 2 being behind a pay wall doesn't bother me.

    The pay to win loot crates though, that angers me.

    I'll be getting the game for the campaign mode.  I'll play some of the multiplayer, but mostly to explore the maps.  They look gorgeous!

    The first is why I will always try an open beta if there is one before I decide to buy the full game. The beta, though great looking, was just bad, and it conveyed to the full game. The only reason I got is was because I got a $50 gift card for buying my Xbox One.

  13. 22 hours ago, wedgenbiggs said:

    As a player of the first Battlefront on the PS4 who sunk over $120 for all the DLC, this really upsets me. I've sunk at least 40+ hours in the first game and am only rank 20 out of 60. I will admit, I am terrible at shooters but when your game does not lump players who are about the same rank together in multiplayer matches, it becomes impossible to rank up when every eight-year-old on Earth can kick your butt back to the Stone-Age, thus preventing you from gaining any experience. Paywalls are ridiculous. I'm looking forward to the single-player campaign way more than the multiplayer at this point. I suppose I should have learned my lesson at this point but you know...Star Wars. 

    To add to your frustration, I have heard since yesterday that the campaign is incredibly short, but good. By that measure, they seem to be really pushing you towards multiplayer in an attempt for players to buy more stuff.

  14. Gamers of IOC, we have seen today, EA has put many of our beloved heroes in Battlefront 2 behind a huge paywall or a huge time sink if we don't want to pay. As we are more hardcore fans of Star Wars, what do you all think of this? I personally think that this is trying to compensate for having free DLC down the road, but this is such an extremely disappointing thing, because it encourages more pay to win, as you can access the more powerful characters at launch if you invest more money. (Kind of like how Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes has been the past few months). As such, this really affects if I'm going to get it or not, because people with large bank accounts inherently generate more advantage over people who don't want to pay vast sums of money to annihilate all else on launch. (I am aware the EA has done this in past past with Battlefront games with the class unlocks, and haven't really had a problem with that, but since it is with heroes in this game, it's a big problem.) 

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