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Posts posted by Eburton75

  1. I don't actually want to emulate that particular ANH officer, I just want to use the rank of Ensign on a non-ANH Staff Officer but I've only seen the rank depicted on him. That's where the main question came from; would I be able to make, say, a regular ESB/ROTJ styled Staff Officer outfit with the rank of Ensign (two red tiles, two cylinders, two belt boxes) despite the fact that that particular rank tile is only shown in ANH?


    I was hoping that the Lvl 3 requirements simply meant someone trying to make an ANH Staff Officer was limited to the four tile styles the CRL mentioned while anyone doing a non-ANH Staff Officer like I'd like to was allowed to do tile/cylinder/box combinations of any rank so long as it was from any canon officer from any movie.


    I would assume an ensign in ROTJ would have the same combo as the example ensign from ANH, but I haven't found any shown in the other movies so I wasn't sure if ensign was therefore considered an "ANH Staff Officer Exclusive" rank for someone looking at a Lvl 2 or 3 non-ANH Staff Officer.

  2. Good morning boys and girls! I apologize for the length of my first post, but I wanted to just lay out everything I was curious about rather than asking a string of questions over time. Measure twice, cut once.


    I'm putting together a Staff Officer outfit as my first build. Rather than just buying a full compliment of cheap gear and replacing it later, however, I'd like to just jump right in to making it viable for Executor status right off the bat, or at least as soon as I get my hands on a quality pair of boots, and Imperator once I've had the work done that I'd need to make it come together. I had already purchased the Cosplaysky Deluxe outfit prior to making this decision, but I have a tailor on tap who's willing to make some time for me between the wedding dresses and kilts. To that end, I have a few questions regarding the CRL requirements for the Staff Officer.


    First off, I'll go for the biggest decision that needs to be made; the CRL states that rank/code cylinders/belt boxes must correspond to those of canon officers. If I'm reading the CRL correctly, the "only Four choices of rank bar for ANH staff officers" statement means that those are the only choices for someone specifically making an ANH outfit, not that anyone using those ranks is automatically an ANH officer, yes?If I were to use a combination that I've only found shown in ANH, would it then follow that I MUST make the rest of the uniform an "ANH Staff Officer" to be elibible for Lvl 3? Or is a canon rank combination allowed to be used generically on a Lvl 3 Staff Officer regardless of where it was depicted in the movies? To be more specific, I'm looking at the single Ensign on the Death Star (the poor sod Han shoots right after they leave the Falcon in their Stormtrooper disguises) with two red blocks on his rank bar, two code cylinders, and two standard belt boxes. I personally haven't seen this rank elsewhere, but I'd like to avoid the vague "subtle differences that are only seen in ANH" that I'm sure the Cosplaysky outfit doesn't include.


    Second, the CRL section for the tunic specifically mentions a sewn-in lining. I haven't seen any pictures of the inside of a cosplaysky tunic, but I can't seem to find any reference to anyone adding a lining to one to reach Lvl 3 certification. If it doesn't come with an appropriate lining, is there a particular type recommended or required? Looking at the approved Imperator designs typically showcases entirely hand-made tunics or linings, from what I can tell. Clothing alteration/tailoring has never been something I've delved into, so I'm entirely clueless as to what this could entail.


    Beyond that, I just had some other miscellaneous questions about the eligibility of the rest of the items:


    Are the optional items with Lvl 2 and 3 certifications required for ALL such certifications? Or is it once again based on the officer in question, since it states "If applicable?" The ensign I referenced doesn't happen to wear gauntlets; would I still have to grab a pair if I was using him as a model for anything above Lvl 1?


    I noticed that the CRL pictures jodhpurs with laces and straps which I don't believe are included on the Cosplaysky version. Having never seen an officer in-film with his boots off, are these considered a requirement as well? I might stick the stirrups on just for functionality, but are the laces also required despite being buried in the boots?


    For the code cylinders, most of what I've read points to Philo's replicas, which I'm cool with, but I was curious if Lantern2745's were close enough to be considered at least Lvl 2 or Lvl 3 material. I like the idea of a weightier cylinder, and I assume it'd be easier/quicker/cheaper for me coming from the US.


    The rank bar and belt boxes I'll make myself, as I like to have a bit of a personal touch to things like this. Metalworking and similar crafty things ARE my forté, and from what I've read the 01-901.2 EAO push buttons are spot on and dirt cheap. However, I didn't see any reference anywhere to how they are affixed to the uniform. Is there a generally accepted method besides the usual swing or cap pin style? I can always make it magnetic unless that's frowned upon for some reason.


    And... Well, I think that's about it. The rest of the pieces I think I have already accounted for; the belt will come from Tiggwolf, and the hat seems to be a paltry matter so long as I get one reputed to be 501st worthy or have one made with extra material from Cosplaysky.


    Any suggestions or comments are most welcome. If there's another way you'd like me to ask for help or format my posts in the future, let me know. Until next time!



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