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Posts posted by MoffNussant

  1.  I think everyone is right here.


    It reminded me of something else. When I was a kid I really like a cartoon called Star Blazers. It was a Japanese Cartoon adjusted for American audiences.


    Recently I saw its reboot, Space Battleship Yamato and they didn’t bother to hide the original WW2 inspirations. 

    The bad guys of course are an authoritarian empire. Their best leader was named Domel, so the inspiration was boldly out there. The Empire also had Goru (Goer), Redof Hiss (Rudolph Hess) and the dictator is named Abelt Dessler. This Empire also had racial prejudice. But they were no where as evil as Nazi Germany so really wish they had not gone that route with the names.


    And incidentally, Dessler is tall and blue skinned and generally spoke calmly. He might might have inspired Timothy Zahn in the creation of Thrawn.

  2. Why is it assumed the rank plaques are opaque?


    As to Brom Titus, he apparently comes from a special weapons development branch of the navy. He probably needs all those code cylinders. :)


    I am assuming during his punishments they transferred him to regular navy units but he kept the black because he still somehow reports to them. Either that or they did not want to confuse kids by putting him in a green uniform.

  3. 5 minutes ago, MoffNussant said:

    Pablo Hidalgo sort of explains why we probably won't see Imperial army troopers a lot. Everyone wants to see stormtroopers...


    "your not going to create some generic guys..."

  4. Heir to the Empire made a big deal of the concept that Imperial army troopers were the bulk of the army. After the cloning begins there is a reference that army troopers are fighting like stormtroopers. There is a raid with about 12 army troopers and about 4-6 stormtroopers if I recall correctly.

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