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Posts posted by Angelus

  1. 7 hours ago, GDMorti said:

    Thanks for those. They do highlight my prior point though, that when the generic is standing in warm, low light as per some of the Hask cutscenes, the greys look very similar. I wont, I -can't- say that they're the same. As we don't know. They are two separate model jobs since they made the generic a petite woman. We will never get the chance to see Hask's model perform the same way that the generics do, under the same sorts of conditions. Not enough colour difference really to warrant an entirely separate CRL.

    As for the design because the color is much different, so I think it can be a separate. As one thing Hask is one of main villian in the story. 


    Just to my feel if saiding that if hask outfit is the same as the rest, Tarkin's outfit or Daala's outfit can be just combo as a line officer outfit is that what you mean? 

  2. 20 minutes ago, Mitthrawnuruodo said:

    That's a really nice find on the arm band Joey!

    Thinking like a game designer, I wouldn't spend the time, effort, and money to develop an almost identical suit that's only slightly different for 1 character. But that arm band is very obviously wider on the generic and thinner for Hask.

    Still wearing my developer hat I would think they would use the same colors between Hask and generic. But now with this little bit of evidence I wouldn't be shocked if I was wrong and Hask actually is in fact a different color. Maybe next update Hask will be playable and he can be seen in every game level.

    I will make a main character looks different from the other generic even if they were wearing the same outfit. (Off-Topic) If you compare to the other movies like Rose and Colonel, their color is much different from one and other (if base off the TFA and TLJ visual dictionary). 

  3. For the design of Hask of his outfit, It is much different from the Movie FO like Mitaka, Fin and even any other FO Officers. Like the shoulder and the pen that is on his chest level. And as what Kris did pointed out on the CRL that his hat have sewline on it.


    And even for the color, I will said it is Dark Charcoal color for hask. The generic FO in the game looks more Gray than hask color.  Can see from the arm band of his and hers which is different. 


    So I think that Husk can be a CRL by it own. 

  4. I think Mark have wrote something about CRLs on this link and what we may be facing when coming to doing CRL. 


     "Many may not know that our LMO team member stepped down due to attacks that occurred over the year by certain members.  That has to and will stop now...We will get no more assistance from the LMO team if some of our members can't post in a civil manner. "




  5. 6 hours ago, MikeM said:

    I get how you did the yoke, but i'm having a real tough time visualizing the actual cape part based on the pattern draft you posted. is there any chance you have some photos you could post of just the cape half cut out, and then how it pins into the yoke to sew?

    Give me a few days I will post up the picture on how I pin it and stuff >___<

  6. Was in a group interview with some of the guys from the SG 501st. So they took some of my line. :D



    The title is "Spend one year, to get the right color"

    So my friend help me with some of the translate
    <<Due to copyright issues, no company produces perfect/complete star wars costumes so members buy stuff online and custom to themselves, spending a lot of time effort n money to do so.

    Only when they meet requirements, then they are awarded a ID number to join 501st and be a part or rhe dark side, make no mistakes it is a tough process.

    32 yr old Joey Lim was an ID in the interview, and she spent a whole year just looking for the right colour material.

    She said: We strive to make the costume exactly like what is on screen, but green can be a few hundred shades, and sometimes we need to need to order from England, France, Italy to get what is needed. We are very focused on details, and there is a CRL (Character reference library) to follow.

    For example, the costume collar must be a V and if it is rounded the costume will not pass
    Joey says, many costumers will try two to three colours, and being a tailor, just to make her own 501st approved costume, she has made so many costumes that a big wardrobe in her house is filled with Star Wars costumes. >>

    >_> The reporter make a mistick on that filled with star wars costumes only LOL XD 

  7. For USA site, I do not really know of any that pops into mind. 

    The black and Olive fabric I use looks kind of like this which is more like those jacket kind of fabric which is waterproof. Mostly good for light rain.


    If you want, I can send you a small cut on the fabric for you to see? 

  8. On 10/10/2017 at 7:57 PM, Steven said:

    @Paggeldiwwer do you also have a pattern for the jodhpurs?

    You can try this. But you will have to mod it here and there abit. You can get it when they have the $2.99USD sales. 
    Male cutting

    Female Cutting

    Or you can get those pants pattern and added the round part XD
    Systemschnitt 01 - elisa - Picasa Albums Web

  9. There are some books that so far I have used and try they are pretty good. Even do it is more on female fashion but they are pretty useful if you want to try out as some of the design on the outfits do come from some female patterning. Mccall pattern or simplicity pattern they are pretty good. But I find that I do not find them helpful as the details on how to make it for starters can be pretty hard.

    But if you do want to get some fashion pattern to mod from, this are the links. But do not buy them at the full price! Wait! They have random sales for the patterns at $2.99USD at times!! So do check the website on and off for the discounts  

    Simplicity Pattern website https://www.simplicity.com/ do not have discount like the Mccall band. So you may have to use stores like http://sewingpatterns.com/ to get simplicity patterns when they go on sales. But take note that they can be really slow in their shipping.

    For Officer Trenchcoat
    You can mod it from this pattern 

    For Imperial Crew's Flightsuits
    Alot of moding to do but this gives a good base pattern


    For Jodhpurs Pants
    Male - https://butterick.mccall.com/b6340
    Female - https://butterick.mccall.com/b6433


    Now for the books....


    Patternmaking for Fashion Design by Helen Joseph Armstrong  (Author)
    This book is very good. As it does cover all kinds. And this is pretty much like a school text book kind. But for man pattern there is not really much. But they do show like princess cut which you do see in Frist order officer. This book do not come with pull out patterns. But if you get this book, you will not really have to get any other book which is a text book kind.


    Japanese Craft Book ~ Magazine pattern School Vol.1
    This book I will said it is a lifesaver as for the price you pay for the book, they give from all size 5, 7, 8 to size 21. Only a block pattern of the front and back and sleeve. Like I did said, that all this books I posting are more on for female but with abit of editing, it can fit all male and female. This book mostly show you on how to mod your pattern. I can't read japanese but they have clear picture inside the book on how to do and stuff.





    Publication Date 2017/02
    Publisher 文化出版局 (JP)
    ISBN 9784579073474
    Size/Pages A4ヘンcm


    This one have pants pattern pull out. it gives base a pattern pants.  Same series as the other japanese book. In the book it do shows how to make pattern like tight pants and etc. 



    This book have S, M, L, XL size. But they have a pattern which is for Officer Trenchcoat (Like Frist Order or the Rogue one movie) still have to mod the pattern here and there.. 

    Take Note that The Japanese books pattern sizing is more for Asia people.

    I find that some of the japanese books are better for money as they do have alot of pull out pattern even. And For japanese books, you can find more male pattern books. Like said, do not have to worry about not knowing how to read japanese, they give a good clear picture on how to do it. 

    You can Ebay some of this japanese books if they are not on amazon. 


    You can do is to use a base pattern for the pants to do Frist Order pants or the Jodhpurs pants. And add the sides on what you want to do it.

  10. 4 hours ago, GDMorti said:

    I can imagine one of the harder parts of this will be sourcing all of the correct colour materials. Thank you so much for sharing! I know a few potential Galens who will be extremely grateful for this information. <3

    The below olive green I use from this website but I can get it off the store. the online is much much fucking different from the real thing.

    If I do recall it is 3019 that I got when I went to the store. 


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