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Posts posted by trencher

  1. 2 hours ago, Trapper said:

    I noticed that too. I figure they are going to write in . He uses the force trick like Liea does TLJ .  Which personally I'm  not a big fan of , but that's the only way I think they could explain it.

    Yeah, I didn't like that either. But Hollywood science is magical.

  2. You know, I was rewatching the last episode with my kids. And WELL, there is a loop hole in our theories.  I noticed for the tentacles to be inside the bridge that the glass had to be broken. And Ezra even lifted it using his force powers. It was all over a couple of shots.   And I know that in reality, if you are exposed to space you die.   So even in hyperspace.  You would be exposed to the vacuum of space.  I think they accidentally killed Ezra and thrawn.  So, now in my head if they show back up. I'm going to want an explanation of how they lived the vacuum of space and at hyperspeed to boot!



    Stinking physics! Always getting in my way!  Just like gravity being my greatest foe.   Its always dragging me down in life :(



  3. 5 hours ago, Ithilnar said:

    I will send you copy near May

    (most of this text is about the Empire in new canon and I titled it: The Imperial point of view).

    Cool. My email address is cubscoutsOhiogmail.com or bobafearthefett@gmail.com 


    Either one will work. And if the file is too big I can get you my unlimited work email.

  4. On 3/3/2018 at 1:43 PM, BensID39999 said:

    I did 3 years of Navy ROTC and one year of Army after I changed schools, ended as a 1st LT. I had a decently high ASVAB score, thought about going officer, but I was girl crazy and went to San Francisco State University for film instead!

    Awesome, I was a staff Sgt. Us army.  I did well on the asvab too. Just decided to go traditional infantry like my great uncles and grandpa and brother. I should have gone to college. I would be in a better position today. But all in all, I'm glad I am where I am. My kids mean everything to me.  Scouting is like icing on the cake.



    But I am going to find a way to get some other 501st, rebel legion or MMCC guys \ gals out to the event. I am hopeful it works.  This could be a superbly useful event for us. It could open doors to more exciting adventures for the 501st.  I have been asked before to lead a survival skills event for one of the big summer camps near Cincinnati. So if all goes well. Maybe it could be another 501st event.  No fire of course. (Plastic melts) :)


    But any more thoughts are highly welcome. And any IOC members are most certainly welcome on April 14th.  Its at cricket holler scout camp in Dayton Ohio.  Its going to be a fun morning. :). And I'll feed you too!


    Thanks guys!

  5. 6 hours ago, BensID39999 said:

    Outside of Girl Expo, a Girl scout event we've done a couple times, there was a troop of very bored looking boy scouts. I was invited over to judge their monkey bread cook off, which was awesome. Then, my ROTC experience kicked in, and I tried to teach them how to march. The scoutmaster laughed and said "It'll never happen". But I managed to get them in line for some facing movements, and jumped up and down and screeched when they made mistakes. Eventually, they figured out the game and started goofing around until I stormed off lol. They were very surprised when I came back with stormtroopers, had them try it again, and the boys showed up my troops, who couldn't even stand in a straight line. The boys loved it and the adults got tons of pictures and laughs!

    Love that idea Ben. I'll have to keep that in my list of useful things to do with the scouts. Especially if I am in uniform for it.   Also, how far did you take ROTC?  I ask as I'm a army vet myself.

  6. 10 hours ago, xAlpha said:

    Thanks for these, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. My kids are in scouts, my wife is a den leader, and we've talked about having our garrison out for next yuear's Blue & Gold, but that does seem limited. We;re doing our Pinewood Derby this month, and I'm wondering if that wouldn't be a great event for the 501st also, since there'sa lot of time the kids are just waiting around for their cars to race. PLenty of time for interaction there.

    I'll take one from my local EC Dan koeppl. He said to make the theme podwood derby.  Like pod racers. I was tempted to make a separate race for it. But don't have the extra cash to pull it off. In fact I am down to about 8 kids in all. Its sad :(



    Another idea is to go Indian trap fishing.  I built them with my scouts before as well. I'll have to find some pictures and get them on here for you guys to see. :).  

  7. Hi guys,


    This is to get some ideas going for interactions with scouting groups. It would change the dynamic a little by having us teach the scouts some useful skills.  I'm listing these because I'm a cub master for the boy scouts of america, and noticed we only get requests for blue and gold events. (Awards ceremonies).  And I have heard some members get bored with that. So in these following videos I am hoping we can expand what we do with the scouts.





    I think the fire should be built by the scouts themselves. This is do to heat and plastics not going well together. But a stick compass and debris shelter could be great.  I have an event listed for our Ohio events forum here


    I'll hopefully have some great feedback from it. And I hope to get some fellow members to stop by and have fun with the scouts.  Its going to be fun and different for everyone. And if your new to outdoors survival type things. This is good practice. 


    So, anyone have an opinion? Please let me know. And anyone in the legion is welcome to stop by and see how it goes or even participate.  


    Thanks in advance for the advice and guidance in changing the dynamic we have with scouting groups.

  8. On 2/7/2018 at 5:30 PM, Kievan said:

    Oh but just take a look at this, guys!  New image from the Solo movie, showing what are apparently called "Mudtroopers:"



    Love these guys, it makes me wonder if we are getting closer to seeing the imperial army pop up soon.

  9. Respect,  most people see a person in a sharp looking uniform. Then just like with a military member think respectfully of them.  I was in the army for ten plus years. A sharp looking uniform with medals opened doors for you. Not to be too funny, but most of my ex-girlfriends were because of the uniform and job it represented. That respect earned as an infantryman and the rank on my arm showed.  Its an unspoken thing to most. But some people thank you for your service. 


    But the respect of the uniform is where I believe most of us unconsciously want to wear a specific imperial uniform. And we have cookies. :). 

  10. 8 hours ago, AJ1990 said:

    I definitely say wear it if it’s on offer. You’re not an approved member sure, but you ARE there representing us as a cadet, so therefore you should wear it if it’s offered. You are part of the group.

    To clarify further, you’re there also under the protection of the legions insurance, so you should wear something to include you as a part of the group ;)

    I agree with aj.  If it's offered, wear it. You are a cadet in all rights. So it befits you to wear our logo.  Just make sure to have fun and get to know your local area members. They are a great resource for you.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Mitthrawnuruodo said:

    I need more context for this one, was it like a mom telling her kid, "go get a photo with the marsh mellow!"

    Or some gruff guy saying, "Look at that marsh mellow"?

    Just a woman walking by that I was asking if she wanted a photo with her friend and us. She retorted that I looked like a marsh mellow. I have no idea where she got it from there. But she said that and walked out the door. It was kind of funny. I told the others in there and they also have the same reaction I did of what?


    Although it could have been a bigoted remark as I'm a white guy.  I still don't see how people don't see past our differences. We're all just human we all bleed the same.

  12. 8 hours ago, Jaxon354 said:

    Salvete Omnes

    When preparing the uniform for trooping, I assume the tunic is steamed, but are the trousers pressed? And if so, is there the usual military crease, or just flat? 




    ~ RJ

    Honestly, I took mine to be pressed by my dry cleaners. They make it look outstanding. And they also have starches and color agents to keep your uniform perfect for you.  My cleaning service costs me around $14.  :)

  13. 1 hour ago, lantern2745 said:

    I wouldn't worry about it.  If you can remove them for photos, great.  But you gotta be able to see.

    Heck, I wear sunglasses when we troop outside.  I gotta be able to see. 8)

    I totally second this. Sight is more important. And shades make us have swagger :)

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