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Posts posted by aarvidsson

  1. Phil, are we talking about the same thing?


    As per this image the distance between the tiles should be 1/4".




    But as the General rank tiles are spaced further apart, I'm asking about the distance between the tiles on that specific rank bar as this seems closer to 1/2" or thereabout.

  2. Can anyone confirm the proper distance between the tiles of a ESB General? Is it double the distance as the others? Or triple? On the graphic it's 1mm between the regular ranks and 3mm between the ESB ones. I wonder how that scales...

  3. I didn't know quite where to put this, so in the Officer's lounge it goes. I was at CE III and wore my fairly new green line officer's uniform. I had the utmost privilege to meet many amazing people in equally amazing uniforms (Kris, Phil, Steve, Barry and Cassandra, to name but a few). I was the rather quiet guy with a full beard, doing his best not to look like a complete tool.


    I put together the officer uniform as I'll need good visibility when driving my R2 droid and thus can't rely on either the gunner or the TIE I've got in the closet, but I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. Then one of the beforementioned gentlemen mentioned something as we were standing around after the IOC photo - "You set the standard. You take the costuming to the next level. It makes me proud to wear the officer uniform when I see you guys". That resonated in me and made me perk up and really, really want to be a part of this detachment. I think it was Phil that was very specific in saying that "the point is not to point out mistakes, but to show you where improvements can be made and thus lift us all to a higher level".  Unfortunately I'm way better at stiching people up than sewing fabric, but if I could learn how to build a droid, I might be able to learn enough sewing to do the alterations needed. I will be applying for level two shortly (as I don't think my boots are OK for level 3), but I've got some details to take care of first. 


    Thank you all for opening my eyes to (yet) a whole new level of detail, and I hope I didn't gape too much at Cassandra when she took one look at my belt and told me it was a ROTJ belt. Apparently the thin lines were there for a reason...

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