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Posts posted by Centauri

  1. Those are quite fine gloves !

    They're not entirely accurate but close enough .
    I really do have the feeling that those gloves are going to be suckers to find .
    Like some stated before , they were most likely made for the movie , so there's little chance we find identical gloves in stores or online , the position of the snap on the glove is unusually high .

    Maybe , just maybe Imperial Boots might release a new pair of gloves ... If the movie proves that all Officers wear the same gloves as Krennic , then they may consider making them if enough people show interest .

  2. 15 hours ago, Daetrin said:

    Cassandra, there is no right or wrong in my post, just observations.  


    * EU/Asia garrisons tend to have higher accuracy standards that US garrisons

    * People doing secondary costumes tend not to spend as much as they do their primary costumes

    * People who troop less tend not to spend as much money and time on their costumes compared to those who troop a lot


    You can argue the why's and wherefore's all you want, but my data points I believe are correct.  I'm not making any judgment statements here, so my apologies if you interpreted it that way.



    I mistook your observations for opinions and for that i am sorry . 

    Since your observations are entirely correct however , i think it might be a good idea to up the L1 standards as most people might resort to a soft costume like Krennic as a back-up and thus invest less time and money in the costume . Particularly since Krennic is a unique character and will likely stand out of the crowd because of the white tunic / the cape rather than blend in the mass and be overlooked . 

    UnusedPizza basically summed up my opinion on the matter , i have nothing more to add regarding this debate . 

  3. If you're going to wear a battle armour / AT-AT Commander armour , keep in mind that for L2 and L3 the only rank accepted is General for obvious reasons . 
    You can however wear a different rank whenever you take the armour off . 

    As Phil mentioned , the makers for the armour are few . 

    I haven't seen Trooper Master's armour in person , but if you can , go for Dan Laws over MonCal at all costs . Dan's armour looks a lot better and the quality is great . The only way to contact him is to drop him a PM on Facebook , and i do mean a PM , he doesn't answer to messages on his wall :) 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Daetrin said:

    I also realize that some garrisons really want to push the accuracy bar, and others resist every step of the way, but the reality is that we are a worldwide group and some things just take time to achieve.

    You may think we don't go far enough, others think we push it too far.  We have to find a common ground that works for everyone, whether they are the super trooper who does dozens of troops a year and will spend top dollar on their kit, and also the person who just wants a good-enough backup costume.


    Lastly, prop replication != screen accuracy.  Especially in the OT. Else we'd have to support all manner of costume flubs, which I don't think anyone wants to do (unless they are on RPF :) ).


    In the end, detachments simply make recommendations.  The final call will be at the DL/LMO level.

    Sorry for the double post here but something has caught my attention in your reply , where i'll have to strongly disagree .

    First of all , as subtle as it was , i don't think that implying the usual " The UKG takes itself too seriously " i something that should be thrown here on the boards , nor anywhere else . I've read it enough already , and i've never seen someone write " some garrisons really want to push the accuracy bar " without having the UKG in mind . Because if we're going to play that game , there are things to be said about American Garrisons as well ...

    I don't live in a huge country , we don't have that many troops are year unlike in the US , etc ... But i don't see why " trooping less " would mean " aiming for less " as well . I have no idea how many times i troop a year , probably less than a dozen times , yet i keep working on my costume to make it as accurate as i can ( L3 ) . For quite a few costumes the steps between L1 and L2 , L2 and L3 aren't huge , and it just takes little effort to achieve higher accuracy .

    The " I don't troop a lot / It's a backup costume so i invest minimal efforts into it " is , in my opinion , exactly the kind of thought that leads members of the Legion to troop with costumes that could use some improvement EVEN for L1 , for instance : Officers with floppy breeches and baggy tunics . They don't look good , and there is no pretending otherwise . You don't have to be a " super trooper " to have a good costume . I often feel that people forget what the Legion stands for in matter of quality and accuracy .

  5. 1 hour ago, Dimentex said:


    You misunderstand me.  There is no one on IOC or Legion boards that makes a completed rank bar with push buttons - at least not that I have seen.  And having priced them out, even if say I or you or Kris were to start making them, they wouldn't compare in price to the plexiglass.


    For comparison - are we going to require screen accurate boots for level 1, given there is exactly ONE maker found ad they're $450 a pop?  That would immediately exclude probably 90% of the people working on this costume from submitting for quite some time.

    I don't see it as a margin of inaccuracy - I see it as looking like the character to the average joe's eyes, and L2/L3 is looking like you walked off the screen to OUR eyes.  We already have fairly detailed requirements anyway - demanding absolute screen accuracy for even admission on this character, simply because...  what?  We want the elitist label back?

    I respect your opinions, and trust me, I'm working to get accurate rank bars - but I currently have neither the tools nor the talent to make them.  I'm a computer tech, not a costume designer.  And I don't feel that Tigg's bars are that far off - not one single person looked at my costume this weekend and said "those rank bars are wrong."

    Do I know they can be improved?  Hell yes.  Same with the boots.  But again, if you're going to demand 100% screen accuracy on this ONE part, why not on all parts?  Why even have levels?  You have to have 100% accurate stitching, you have to have the belt with the notches and the right code disk, you have to have the gun and holster (sorry to anyone who lives in a country that doesn't allow it), you have to have the right boots, and so on.

    I feel like we're being a little ridiculous here.

    You may want to drop Barry Pearn a PM then , because i'm pretty certain he bought a " ready to wear " push-button rank bar , and i bought it from him at Celebration . Besides , Tiggie's rank bar are what , 20$ for a double bar ? Okay fine , it's " cheap " . For a push-button rank bar you might be looking at 40£ instead , it's less cheap . But it's not like the Legion ever was about cheap costumes either , and when you build a decent looking costume , 40 quid quickly ends up being a drop in the sea .

    Here we're just debating whether we should ask push-buttons for L1 , not a 100% screen-accurate rank bar . A 100% accurate rank bar would be asking the correct spacing between the tiles and the smaller bar as well , which rules out OT Admiral / ISB Director rank bars for instance . THAT would be exaggerated , just as asking people to buy their boots from Vadorn Leather for L1 . On the other hand , asking just for push-buttons is no less exaggerated  than asking for leather boots instead of allowing crappy rubber boots .

    I'm no costume designer either , i'm a student in 3D Art for video games , and i don't think i have any metal working tool laying around my dorm , but i am willing to throw in the extra money to get that rank bar accurate although i don't have a salary nor a regular source of income , or look for a craft store which offers metal cutting services . Tiggie's bar aren't off indeed , and it's quite unlikely that someone will point out to you that your rank bar isn't entirely accurate indeed . It has never happened to me when i used to wear mine , but now that i have a push-button rank bar and i look back at my plexi-tile bar , i'm thinking the only use i could still have for it would be as a trophy on a Mandalorian belt .

    So no , asking for push-buttons isn't yet asking for 100% accuracy , it's asking for 50% accuracy , which leaves enough room for improvement and higher levels . I don't think it's " too much " , nor is asking for leather boots and the right haircut / wig .

  6. 9 hours ago, nocternus said:

    Cant remember if i said before but  Im going to be honest and say that i want to see push button rank bars only because thats what they clearly are

    I'm going to agree with Kris here .

    The sole reason we validate people L1 with plexi tiles for OT officers is that for ages we didn't had good references proving they weren't plexi tiles .
    Here we know for a fact that the rank bars are made of push-buttons , we've all seen it at Celebration , we've seen it all over the trailers , there is no room for doubt over what they are made from . So i don't really see why we're debating about it here , this is a brand new CRL , we don't have to drag the " mistakes " of previous CRLs into this one , instead we can go for a more accurate CRL straight away .

    It's easier the buy the push buttons than to find a thick plexi sheet and cut it yourself , as for metal , if i can find a store here in Belgium that cuts metal pieces on order for their customers , then you can find similar stores anywhere in the world .

    Thing is we shouldn't go for " allowing a margin of inaccuracy for L1 in order to allow more people to make the costume " , because the more we do that the more we encourage people to join the Legion with mediocre costumes that barely respect L1 guidelines , and this is particularly obvious in the IOC . Instead we should aim for the most accurate costumes even for the lowest approval level in order the raise the quality of IOC costumes , not lower it .
    People already think Officers are pompous elitist asses , i say we assume our role as CRL-nazis , but at least we'll show people how costuming is done as we strive for perfection and not mediocrity .


    PS : There are actually makers of push-button rank bar in both Europe and the US , so the " nobody makes push button rank bars " excuse is invalid . Mine comes from a UK-based maker .


  7. * sigh * Guess i'll have to purchase new gloves after all ... Well , gloves with snaps can't be that hard to find , actually for once i think i might have less troubles finding them in stores in the woman's gloves alley rather than online . But quite frankly they're not a priority at the moment .

    I'm not surprised he wears some sort of undersuit / shirt , it's a white uniform after all so even if the fabric is " tough " it's likely to be a bit see-through as well under a fairly heavy light like on Scarif or something .
    But the picture itself looks quite gorgeous :D

    Well at least it puts an end to all the arguing about the size / width of the ribs on the cape's collar :mellow:

  8. On 01/11/2016 at 10:56 PM, Toran said:

    Some of us newbs might need a little narrative here Kris :)


    Spent a few days in London , figured i'd go say " Hi " ;)
    Express Belgian Chocolate Delivery Service !


    On 01/11/2016 at 11:54 PM, vonmoen said:

    Looks like she was awarded the Iron Cross. Ausgezeichnet!


    Best ever way to spot the WW-2 enthusiasts among your friends ! :D

  9. The CRL for Tarkin requires grey hair pulled back , both Isard CRL require black and white hair + blue and red eyes for Ysanne and finally the Daala CRL requires ginger hair and green eyes , just saying ...
    If it bothers some that you are asked to replicate a character's appearance and claim it's discriminating , they should've done so a long time ago ...
    You can wear a wig , you can use temporary dyes , you can wear lenses , there are many options , nobody is asking you to wear permanent dye or anything . I even think the CRLs states that if you can't wear lenses for medical reasons you can skip that requirements , so there are no excuses .

    Yoda said : Do or do not , there is no try . Do only half the efforts on your costume you should not .

    I think grey hair and blue eyes should be L1 requirements like with all the other costumes .

  10. Yeah true that , good point Kris .
    I guess that for all the variants we'll have to wait for the movie to be released and the visual guides , then we'll be able to properly deal with the CRL .
    Worst case , there's 26 letters in the alphabet , we can afford to have a couple variants :D

  11. 5 hours ago, nocternus said:

    The picture I posted does not look like a flashback scene as his later rank is on display so he may have the rain coat during the main timeline but if it's a 2 scene job then it as stated should be optional


    Oh yeah right , we could do like the 181st TIE fighter CRL and the different chest boxes or the compad / bracers ! :D

    Cape A ( raincoat ) or Cape B , if Cape A is worn , black cap is mandatory and thus not " optional " any more .

  12. 42 minutes ago, Exaldear said:

    I'm thinking the coat is some kind of canvas. Looks like some tent material to me. I also want one for those outside troops in the rain.


    Would the rain coat be a different costume?


    Yes the fabric of the coat seemed different from his cape indeed , probably a bit thicker than cotton , as you said it looked like tent / sail fabric .

    I think that the rain coat and black cap uniform should be a different costume as well . Have the 10BBY Krennic version and the actual Rogue One white cape uniform :)

  13. That scene and possibly a couple others take place when Jyn is young , so about 10-15 years before the actual events of Rogue One i guess , i like how they made variants of the uniforms , it suggests that it was later " improved " to a more standard look , the regular OT look .
    It's a nice place to put a little cog too , it sort of lacks from most Imperial costumes in general .

    Can't wait for Rogue One !! :D

  14. Yes , it appears there will be either one big flashback scene or several small ones . It also makes sense that the uniform is different if the scene takes place 10 years before the actual movie , they probably didn't came up with the right design straight away :D


    I'm digging that rain coat already , it's probably coated in some sort of water-repellent sealant , it'd be so handy to have on like that for some troops !

  15. 41 minutes ago, MichaelK said:

    Ben Mendelsohn is 5' 11", Michael Sheard (Ozzel) was 5' 9", and Kenneth Colley (Piett) is 5' 8"


    Here's what I got ~2 months ago for badge dimensions:


    5'11" , that's when i can't make sense of the imperial unit system any more , how are 5'1" and 5'11" not the same ? :blink:
    Assuming that 5'11 is around 180cm ... Damn , i assumed Mendelsohn was shorter than that actually .
    But yeah , i'm 5'8" too and the Admiral rank bar takes nearly a whole side of my central yoke , the taller the people the broader usually , so the rank bars often look bigger or smaller depending on who's wearing .

    But you're right , i think your measurements are accurate . The tiles are indeed a bit brighter like the most recent series of push buttons you can get , it's particularly obvious on the blue tiles which used to be some dark royal blue colour , now they tend to hint more towards a dark-ish azure kind of blue .

  16. I think the rank bar is more " compact " but the tiles are pretty much the same . Since they reduced the spacing between the tiles and on the borders they probably managed to get it 1cm shorter or something .
    Krennic doesn't seem to be a tall guy judging by the overall size of his uniform which was on display at several cons and his appearance on the live panel in London , but Ozzel and Piett are even smaller so the rank bar appear a little bigger on them :)

    I beg to differ on the buckle thingy , i mentioned it several times right after Celebration as this detail was one of those which really got the attention of my WW2 Reenactor eye :D ( Along with Krennic's blaster being a Maschinenpistole 38 and the Officer's trench coats in the trailer being German rubber motorized infantry coats )


    10 hours ago, nocternus said:



    Agreed Phil but let's for now assume it is correct this shot clearly shows the buckle now in person and on the various pictures we all took and posted none of us spotted the buckle so it begs the question what else could we have missed?




    I think i also made note of the size of the sole which appears to be thicker than our average thin equestrian boots , i'm pretty certain those are actual military marching boots , and the buckle at the back and the rectangular stitching on the sides , i've seen them a lot before . Also , given how Rogue One uses a lot of WW-2 era material for the costumes , i'm 99% sure of it when i say :
    Krennic's boots are reproductions of WW2 German Officer's boots , minus steel toe cap .
    Looking familiar ? ;)


  17. 1 hour ago, UnusedPizza said:

    Hi all


    Started a WIP over at the UKG for my Krennic build and have been doing loads research, which has lead me to this thread, which is going to help a lot.


    With the Tunic, one thing I have noticed is that it looks a lot like Tarkins, except for two extra seams, sorry if this has allready been  covered but couldn't see it when scanning through




    Those seams aren't extra actually , if you check the Tarkin uniform more closely you'll notice they are there , they're just a bit less obvious :)

    You can't really have a uniform without those two side seams as they allow the uniform to get tighter around the waist area .
    Without those your uniform would be entirely straight ;)

  18. 1 hour ago, eliste said:

    Not if you go by TFA. We'll get at least two International trailers closer to the time if they follow the TFA pattern of trailers.


    Oh right yeah !

    I didn't quite though of it but now that you mention it i remember people ( including myself ) going crazy over that Japanese TFA trailer that had one or two new shots compared to the generic European / American trailer .

    The hype is stronger with Rogue One though , the waiting is harsh ^_^

  19. 2 hours ago, ShanJ said:

    Was just sent a link to a video of Mendo's entrance from a different angle at the Rogue One panel and thought I'd put it here as it may be useful.



    Also, feel free to ignore what I say next as it's far too late at the moment (it just hit 4am) and I am by no means an expert in fabrics but I was looking around at cloths used for sails and stumbled across this thing called Duradon. It's described here as 'an impregnated sail and canvas cloth, woven from spun polyester. This sailcloth corresponds in appearance and feel to cotton or flax cloth, and has all of the advantages of synthetics: Very good UV resistance and high abrasion resistance.' with some extra info 'Advantages: Highly waterproof and durable pliability, but nevertheless breathable.
    Disadvantage: The impregnation colour might stain a little.' 




    Yes , Laser boats , that's what my friend is sailing with as well !

    Regarding that fabric , Duradon , it looks great unfortunately it's labelled as 100% polyester fabric , and we're more looking into 100% cotton fabric , a shame because what you found there looks really great !


    I'm going to investigate the sail-cloth league and try to find out what kind of products is commonly used on fabric and cloth you might find in sailing boats .

  20. 10 hours ago, eliste said:

    The spray ones won't do it either. Scotch Guard does not give the mattifying effect you see in this. Wax is more likely but it has to be IN the fabric not just on it.

    So my reference shot is this:

    You can see how the cape loses some of the weave detail and it looks like waterproof material there. I can't find a photo online that will explain what I mean. But I think it's a pre-treated fabric and not a fabric they treated after making the cape.

    Incidentally, if it was wax that could explain the lack of ironing on it.


    I start to see what you mean here . I wouldn't go as far as to say it looks like a K-way fabric , but now that i check that specific picture you've posted , i does look a bit like sail-cloth ? It has to be fairly lightweight and surely comes treated as well . I could ask a friend of mine who's into sailing . Although i doubt that cape is actually made of sail cloth ...

    Whenever my cape is done i'll eventually lightly wax a small piece the same fabric see if the results looks fairly similar or not at all .


    I also think there was several version of the costume made , possibly for different scenes as Ivy explained , but right now it's probably best if we focus on the display uniform until the movie comes out and the Visual Dictionary is released . Then we will be able to examine more clearly every scene and identify the eventual different costumes . Either way making one CRL will be be complicated enough , and as the board next to the display mentioned the " main " cape is made of lightweight cotton , so it'd be better if we just settle for that unless Krennic at some point wears a cape that is obviously very different from the first one .

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