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Posts posted by KPrincen

  1. Well, I have worn several uniforms in real life as an Enlisted Marine, a Commissioned Officer in the Navy, a police officer, and the list goes on.  I have a love for them to be honest with you.  Socially, my love for uniforms and costuming has continued.  I have done World War Two reenacting, Ren Fair Pirating, and steampunk cosplay.  I only draw one hard and fast rule.  Don't defame or misrepresent a real uniform and the real life service/sacrifice others pay for us in those uniforms.  Now, reenacting is the closest I have ever seen to the "real thing" and one must be very careful and respectful to those they represent in costume.  Costuming as I have seen it is an expression of fandom.  I see a lot of talent and dedication to the genre and their passion.  But to be honest with you, I am not going to confront someone wearing a poor Imperial Officer uniform, but as a point of honor I will confront a "fake" service member freely.  Costuming is largely cosplay in my opinion.  The word itself is short form for Costumed Play.  There is nothing wrong to form social groups and establish standards, but I will not bash the guy who does steampunk Boba Fett, or a Hello Kitty Darth Vader.  Heck some of those outfits show amazing craftsmanship and ingenuity.  It would be wrong to claim 501st affilitation without earning it, but earning it is also a matter of personal choice.  A decision I decide to forego just recently.  I like to maintain my own artistic freedom.  But that is my personal choice and it isn't me trying to make a value judgment.


    A costume is a costume.  If the person wearing it is having fun and promoting a positive environment for others then great!  Label yourself if you chose.  Adhere to a standard established if you desire.  Get offended by what others might say.  That is all personal choices to make.  Personally, I am focusing on what brings me joy and enjoyment.  And other people's opinions on my happiness are unimportant to me. 

  2. I bought mine from ID6187 (here on the forum). I believe he is the supplier for Smugglers Run. The price was very good, but it takes a little while for them to ship here to states from Italy. The quality of the cylinder is great. The clip is a little loose, but I will fix that up myself once I get closer to finishing my build. I recommend you shoot him a message. His quote is definitely cheaper than what you see on Smuggler's Run.


  3. I have six tattoos and am always working on the next one. I tend to redraw and combine elements from several areas to represent a personalized meaning specific to me. All I can recommend is that a tattoo should be a representation of who you are. With that said, I have always liked the Imperial cog design and you can't go wrong with it. I'd just find a way to personalize it to you so its unique.

  4. Point well taken. Thanks again for your help on everything BJ. I think my build is getting off the ground. Boots, belt, rank bar all getting ordered. I am waiting for a code cylinder. If there are no glitches I might have this pulled together before the summer is out.

  5. I find it a little odd that the group uses enlisted and non-commissioned officer ranks as membership titles. I see private, corporal, and sergeant a lot. My point is that everyone here belongs to the Imperial Officer Corps. One would think that all newbies without a 501st designation might be considered "cadets" or "midshipmen" as they work on getting uniforms improved. I am guessing that the rank designations with our profiles relate to posting/contribution to the forums...maybe... once you are in the 501st.

    Not trying to reinvent the wheel here, but I find the preponderance to use no officer ranking in a group representing officers to be a little perplexing.

    Ken P.

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