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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by SeveredOblivion

  1. In a perfect world everything would line up and make sense. Obviously there are glaring imperfections in the movies. However, I would just like a full list, with supporting pictures, of all movie and EU imperial officers that way there is no confusion on what is acceptable and what isn't. The link provided in the original post has all the potential to be the IOC's go to guide but it isn't perfect. I'm doing the same costume regardless of weather this list ever fully materializes or not, but for future cadets this list could be the definitive guide to approved and not. I would love to do this myself but I'm not as knowledgeable about this forum thing as some.

  2. This is a good guide but it still makes me question spacing .The CRL only lists 1/4" spacing between tiles. So are bars like Veers 1/4" spaced and the others like the Moff bar have 1/8" spacing between tiles? There's an obvious difference

  3. I mean, just in the confrence room alone when Vader chokes out Admiral Motti there's a wealth of officer bars and cylinder combos. I also think that there needs to be a better seperation between Army and Navy officers. Take Admiral Motti, 2 blue and 4 red on his bar, rod cylinder in the left and dosimeter on right. Now take his Army conterpart, General Tagge, 6 red on his bar with 2 rods on left and alt type in right. They are equals in the officer scale and wear the same uniform but their devices are completely diffent. That was confusing for me at first. I always thought green uniforms were Army, black for Navy and then I didn't know what the white/cream were at the time. Sorry for this long post just trying to voice my opinion of a worthy pursuit in helping cadets like myself understand ranks.

  4. The material matched that of my uniform but they said they are from a third party, so I guess I'm gonna eat the cost and take my material. Could've saved myself the headache with a little bit more reading but hindsight is always 20/20. I PM'd RunyaJade and she's going to do my hat whenever the material arrives. If I offset the greeblie slightly it makes it less noticeable but I don't wanna cheat myself with this hat. I'll just have to purchase another one. Gonna shoot for the top and hopefully come out at L3 in the end!

  5. I do agree, Julian Glover is no small man. I also saw this on the bottom of the site "Last updated on 12 November 2000." So it may not be kept up with anymore. But there is a great group of people here, maybe a thread can be put together of all acceptable screen worn ranks/ code cylinder combinations so there would be no confusion on acceptable and not. I say screen worn simply because of the L3 requirement of "Belt box, code cylinder, and rank badge configuration is consistent with film canon officers."

  6. If it isn't written by the 501st or the IOC in particular,\ maybe you could reach out to them BJ and try to set the record straight so that can be our go to list for all current and soon to be members. I'll be honest, I looked at it before selecting Gen. Veers just to see if his bar really was different spacing than everyone elses.

  7. So besides the greeblie what is wrong with Cosplaysky hats? Is it something with the cut because i've never actually heard the explanation on why they aren't acceptable. I just ordered a black hat from Gina (Runyajade) and they look good!


    Did you see the picture I included? The size wasn't an issue just the off center-ness of the hat. I wasn't displeased with the look besides the crookedness.

  8. Yep. Seen that. They get an A for effort but it's still not quite right & heavily lacking on many key things. It's not officially recognized by the 501st.


    BJ what is the major fallacy with this system? I mean the ones with pictures supporting it have to be 501st accepted right? I mean they're in the movie lol. It isn't affecting my choice of ranks but they seem 90% spot on with rank bar/uniform/code cylinder ensembles, maybe just not names.

  9. So before I read the forums thoroughly I order a hat with my uniform. Yeah, dumb move I get it lol. The uniform came out nice and the hat looked nice at first glance(besides the greeblie) but after really looking something seemed off about it. Well after a bit of measuring the brim and hat are off center of one another causing a lopsided look. I emailed Sophie at Cosplay Sky and she was very nice about it but informed me that they don't make the hats but they are from another source. She offered me a discount for my next uniform(Staff officer 8) ) which was great but I requested to have material sent to me like some of you have done. So once I get my material there's one more problem, who do you guys use to make the hat? I mean, it seems like there's master craftsmen(and women) of the belts, rank bars, and greeblies but is there the all knowing hat maker here in the IOC who makes the hat to head size?





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