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Posts posted by bdh1138

  1. This shot gives a pretty good idea of the placement too. you can see the seam of the bottom triangle and the center split. Looks to me like they should intersect between his legs, maybe a couple of inches below the bottom of the tunic.





    On another note, I had a question for anyone who knows much about real dosimeters. Are Krennic's cylinders definitely actual ones? The CRL says real or replica versions, but the details look different from the actual dosimeters I've seen pictures of. they all seem to be metal tubes with a sort of notched ring set down into the top and the blue donut bit in the middle of that. (sorry, I don't know any better terms for them)





    Krennic's, on the other hand, look like the notches are on the edge of the metal tube, with the blue donut being the only recessed piece. The body of the cylinder also seems to stay narrow after the clip, rather than widening back out just below it.


    Director Krennic Costume






    So is this just a different dosimeter style I'm not familiar with, or were the Rogue One cylinders custom machined pieces?

  2. New deleted scene pic from /film popped up today. I could be mistaken, but it looks like there's a little hook of some sort on the side of his belt. Any ideas what's going on there? It reminds me of a saber hook, but I have no idea what purpose it might serve here and no recollection of seeing it before.



  3. 1 hour ago, Dimentex said:

    New pictures I ran across in People Magazine of all places - we can actually start to make out the "ammo pouch"

    Sorry for the potato quality of the photos, all I had was my older iPhone.






    Here's a nice large version for everybody. I'm not really seeing much detail past what we already got in Battlefront that the silver portion is the back of the "chamber" section popped off. A couple of pics have me wondering if the section that slots into the chamber goes into a loop on the belt rather than clipping on, but I'm still not sure exactly how that section should look. Fingers crossed for a good shot in the visual guide!

  4. 1 hour ago, bjsavage7 said:

    Is there any screen shots from a trailer with his boots having any buckles? I must have missed seeing any. 


    Still nothing definitive, sadly. I'm on the side of believing that the celebration boots were correct, but so fat the best evidence I have to support it is the fact that they bothered to include buckles on the Black Series figure.




    In the BTS reel, there's a couple quick glimpses of his boot, but nothing close or bright enough to make anything out. You can sort of see something sticking out from the rest of the boot profile, but I can't be sure if it's a buckle.




    And in this, there is no visible buckle, but it's still possible that they are just positioned where you can't see them. The boots here do match the little rectangle of stitching on the inside of the calf on the display boots.



  5. Yeah, my main hangup with the Krennic Black Series is the molded plastic cape. I'm afraid it won't give a clear picture of the panels I'm unsure on since it's sculpted hanging at rest with the material in folds like the celebration display. That's why I'm hoping for something with a full, fairly accurate cloth cape that can be spread out to really see the construction details

  6. I figure at least the constituent panels in the right shape and size wold be important to have distinctly visible since his cape is such a unique and individual item, but leaving wiggle room on the exact seams sounds like a reasonable and attainable way to go. I'm really hoping he gets a hot toys figure or an Anovos outfit so we can get some clearer reference on the side panels...

  7. So will the CRL require the more subtle differences be accurate, or will the existing OT parts probably clear for basic approval? Besides the disc, there's at least the boots with buckles and I think the rank tiles are closer together, like 1/8" rather than 1/4".

  8. Space Bear was episode VIII's production code name (I believe Rogue One was called Los Alamos) so they were probably for something completely different.


    Oh, and here's a huge version of a still that was released today. I'm not noticing anything particularly new in it, but I figured it was worth throwing in here just in case.

    http://thr.ru/public/article/2016/08/16/RogueOne_movie stills_52.jpg


    Man, what I wouldn't give for a big side view with the cape fully unfurled...

  9. Just saw some pictures of his black series 6 inch figure (which will now forever be "Buddy Hux" in my mind) and there are a couple of interesting things. He's carrying an all black version of the officer pistol we've seen with the stormtroopers.






    And also the first shot I've seen of the back of his overcoat with any deal detail to it. Looks like some interesting layers here and it really makes me wish for some good pictures of the actual costume showing some of these parts. 




  10. Both the gloves and boots are black with whatever that raised band or strap is being a dark grey.

    I can't say I ever gave the soles much thought, but they do look different. My first instinct with them is to think it represents the rubber sole having a different sheen than the leather rather than a different color, but I don't know for sure.

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