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Posts posted by xAlpha

  1. I think, unequivocally, yes. The Empire was evil.


    Was every person in the Empire evil? No, probably not. But much like the "clean wehrmacht" myth, they're more complicit than they are stupid.


    As far as things going pretty well, I don't think that's really true, either. Entire species were enslaved, freedom of speech was nonexistence, everything we consider to be human rights in real life (and I guess we'd call something else since not everyone's a human in Star Wars) were suppressed. They definitely didn't have "basic rights."

  2. I had a thought in the shower (where all the best thoughts happen): what about "Early Empire" "Late Empire" and "First Order"?


    We know that R1 and Solo have been using ANH styles (for the most part), so that could be Early Empire (along with the brief shot from Episode III). Then ESB and ROTJ for Late?

  3. 17 hours ago, Exaldear said:

    Ok. So I would like to start moving on to revamping the CRLs, either the name of some as has been suggested or in some cases the actual CRL (I know some people want the navy trooper CRLs worked over). Before then, I want to know, do people want to change the layout, or keep it the same. Do we go with


    Republic officers

    High command

    Fleet officers


    Navy troopers


    Imperial officers

    High command

    Fleet officers


    Navy troopers


    First Order officers

    High command

    Fleet officers


    Navy troopers



    Or just go with


    High command

    Fleet officers


    Navy troopers



    And ignore eras?

    I rather like this idea (although I'm not sure on all of those subdivisions). Doing by film trilogy gets muddy, as mentioned before, and is only going to continue getting muddier as more "A Star Wars Story" movies come out.

  4. 5 hours ago, Hask said:

    Saw the film again last night, there is one straight leg that looked like he had all blue tiles and there was one wearing Jodhpurs and high boots 

    Oh I know they're there. I just meant we're calling it one thing when it totally could be another. He could actually be a science officer.

  5. The only thing with that is, we're making up the term "Mess Dress." We don't know for certain that guy at the party isn't a science officer. We don't know that it's not a totally formal uniform for some other branch that can't wear jodhpurs for practical reasons (the Narrow Hallway Officer Division?). Maybe he's another governor wearing a military-style uniform of his own making like so many other Moffs have done in canon.


    I'm not saying those things are true, or likely, either. Just that it may be premature until we get more information.

  6. Hi.


    I'm going to officially withdraw my request.


    After my last event, way back on May the 4th, my rank bars fell apart and the collar hook-and-eyes came off (again). I have dreaded fixing them, as easy as it is, because I'm really just not happy with this uniform. I'll wear it to events when other officers are around, but my bridge crew is going to be my primary now. Even after stiffening the flares, I just... don't feel like this is Imperator quality:


    Image may contain: outdoor


    I'm working on a TIE Pilot, but when that's all done, I'm going to save up and get a really good line officer uniform. It's still something I want to dress as, it's my first love for Star Wars costuming, but it's just really frustrating and difficult with Cosplay Sky.

  7. I really enjoyed Solo. Alden isn't Harrison, sure, but I still felt like his version of Solo was compatible. He's younger (by maybe 10 years?) than New Hope Solo, and lots still to happen to make him more cynical and brash.


    As far as it's success or failure at the box office, it still made plenty of money; it just didn't make as much as some random bean counters thought it was going to make. That's the problem with those predictions, and the press who hears reports of bad things on the set and runs with it without any evidence or proof.

  8. I saw Solo last night (the only one dressed up, but oh well). No spoilers, but I enjoyed it.


    And there are definitely some new uniforms and accessories in the film for us. The customs officer sticks out the most to me, but I noticed some other stuff like armor on the naval troopers, &c.

  9. Just as another update:


    I got a lot of cool things done with this, even fixed up the flares on the jodhpurs (I think - you guys will be the judge of that - literally). But I wore it for a May the 4th event and one of the hook-and-eyes came off from the collar, so I have to fix that before taking photos again. Busy week ahead, but hopefully this weekend (although it's Mother's Day).

  10. Neither of them seem to have yokes that go as high as the standard uniform.


    Also it's hard to see the seams from the comic one, probably from the art style. They're there and then not there depending on the scene.

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