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Posts posted by Salamander

  1. I would like a canon explanation on the difference between what we know as staff officers and line officers. I believe before the EU was cleared the explanation was the black officers were Stormtrooper officers, if I'm not mistaken? But that went out the window.

  2. http://www.clothearscostumes.com/ is well worth the money and the wait. I just received my ANH Staff Officer uniform, based on the original tunics which are slightly different than the Line Officer uniforms. It is incredibly well made, tailored to exacting detail.


    It took nearly a year for me to get mine, and when it was all said and done, it was a little over $1000.00 USD. But if you want perfection, well, you can't beat it. I started with a Cosplaysky uniform and then upgraded to this after I was dissatisfied with some things. Although I know they've made notable changes to their uniforms since I ordered mine.

  3. Got my pants in, finally. They're really nothing special, unlike the jacket, however it occurs to me that the "belt" that appears to be part of the uniform wasn't added to the pants, and it also isn't incorporated into the bottom elastic of the jacket.


    I'll need to take the jacket back to my seamstress to get that fixed.


    I did have a question though. The creator of the helmet kit I am using posted a picture of an individual in a cadet costume, and it alleged that it was a "501st approved costume."


    I have neither seen nor heard anything anywhere about an approval for this costume yet. The issue I have is that the image shows dark grey piping throughout the seams of the jacket and pants, whereas when I reached out to inquire about what we though the seams should be, the answer I received from up the chain was that they are seams and should not have piping.


    Does anyone know if this costume has been approved now? My whole uniform will not work if they're saying piping needs to be included in the seamwork.

  4. Thanks all! I'm very pleased with the jacket. I got a call the other day and the pants are actually finished. Unfortunately I won't be able to pick them up until next weekend though, as I'm out of town this weekend.


    When I got the jacket though, I saw the progress on the pants and they looked good. The only thing I'm unsure of is how the pseudo-belt is going to work out. I originally wanted the "belt" to be the bottom of the jacket, but that's not how she designed it. So the jacket will tuck into the pants. Technically this is how it should be I suppose, but for ease of design and comfort I figured that having the band around the bottom of the jacket look like the belt would work better.

  5. The rank bar was custom made to my approximations, based on screen captures. Tigg created it for me. You can do a search on the forums; Tigg is the person to go to for rank bars.


    As far as my seamstress, well. I don't want to give any information out at this point. Keep in mind she has been "working" on this since October, and I have not heard word about it yet. Once it's finished and I can confirm it's satisfactory, I can ask her if she's willing to do another or not. I'm not even sure what the final cost will be.

  6. No updates yet. I'm trying not to be an annoying customer (especially since I haven't given her any money yet, she said I can pay her once it's finished). However, by the end of the month, I might start asking questions since she has my officer uniform too.


    As for this being approved, there are individuals such as myself that will certainly look the part when in costume. No one is going to know I'm 33 with the bucket on. I'm 5'6" and I weigh 100 pounds, so I will definitely look like a youth.


    It's also already been passed up to the LMO by my GML for various questions concerning details on the costume, so if they had an issue with age for official 501st approval, I'm sure it would have been raised. It's sort of like jawas being approved for anyone of any height or weight. A 6'2" jawa isn't really accurate, but we allow it anyway!

  7. Unfortunately no updates at this time. I've been without my Officer uniform as well for the last month as well since it's being used as a template. I'm in that weird limbo of wanting to ask for an update on the progress, but not wanting to bug her about it because I know it is an involved build and I'm not her only client. She does a lot of other work, and I knew this would take some time to complete.


    She said she would contact me once she has everything roughly together and tacked to see how it will fit in case further alterations are needed.


    In the meantime, I've occupied myself with ordering a Mandalorian Nite Owl bucket to start working on a Mando for the Mando Mercs. Because why not?! Sadly I'm still waiting on that to actually arrive as well. I hate waiting.

  8. I can talk to my tailor and ask if she can potentially take pictures, or even provide the pattern after the fact that I could take pictures of. I planned to post very detailed pictures of the uniform once it's completed.


    Unfortunately my sewing skills can't handle something like this, and even though my wife is pretty good with her sewing machine, it's out of her skill range too. So it has to be outsourced.

  9. I'd like IC, for Imperial Cadet, but obviously that's used for Imperial Crew. Anything really, I guess it doesn't matter so much. But I like AC.


    As a major update, I'm planning to get the uniform started this weekend. It's going to take a lot of time I suspect though. I have one last troop on Saturday this month, and then I'm clear until October 10th. My tailor wants to use my Officer uniform as a template to make the basic pattern for the jacket and pants (without flairs). I want the pants to button up to my natural waist so that the jacket won't ride up when moving around and show anything. So I'm taking it to her on Sunday to get the process started.

  10. Something that I was wondering, BJ, was what the designation for this build would possibly be. I might be jumping the gun, but I figure it's worth bringing up.


    I was thinking AC, for Academy Cadet, or even LC for Lothal Cadet.


    I wasn't sure if ID would really fit as it is my understanding that ID stands for Imperial Dignitary, and the Lothal cadets were in a sort of pre-training for the real Imperial Academy. So they didn't exactly have any official power or capacity within the Empire. 

  11. I was just at a troop for a minor league game on Monday, and it was offered for us to call out some batters if we wanted to. I took up the offer and they asked how I should be introduced... I had to quickly think of something, so now I'm officially going to go by Lieutenant Trevin while in my Staff Officer uniform (I have the correct rank bar for this now).


    It was fun to announce over the PA, "Greetings, citizens of the Empire!"

  12. 1724626_10100384176629150_43554652510057


    Thanks! It fits great!


    I just got my Staff Officer uniform back from my seamstress who will be making the uniform itself. That's the last bit... and of course the hardest. She did some great adjustments for me and I have some troops coming up that I'll be using my Staff Officer for.




    Ultimately she will be using this as a basic template for the Cadet uniform since everything is measured out nicely. So once I'm done with some upcoming troops, it'll be going back to her and then the real magic can begin!

  13. I know I'm probably not the person who is supposed to come up with this, but hey...


    Imperial Academy Cadet


    Required Costume Components



    For 501st Approval:

    ·         Open faced style helmet shell consists of a dome (which surrounds the ears and back of the head to the neck) and a faceplace.

    ·         Dome

    o    The outside shell of the dome is painted white, including the edges.

    o    The side shell of the dome is painted flat black.

    o    The dome has two black trapezium marks above each eye.

    • Optional: Green, yellow, blue, or red geometric markings appear on the front of the dome and around the back of the dome.

    ·         Faceplate

    o    Faceplate is painted white and matches the white of the dome.

    o    The faceplate does not surround the head and ends at the jawline.

    o    Black frown across the front which angles up toward the ears.

    o    Two round "Air Filtration Nozzles", one on each side of the mouth, with black horizontal trapezoids centered on the side opposite of the mouth.

    o    Three gunship grey rectangular markings on the mouth, between the air nozzles.  Two are vertical and parallel, with a smaller marking centered under the frown.

    o    A black rectangular marking under each eye ridge.

    o    Eye lens is a single piece which meets above the bridge of the nose and is green, as shown in the series.


    Cadet Jacket

    For 501st Approval:

    ·         Long sleeve white jacket with elastic wrist cuffs, elastic waist band, and invisible zipper.

    o    Waist band is dark grey, with two 0.5" (12.7 mm) wide white, vertical rectangles approximately 1" (25.4 mm) from center, on each side of the jacket's closure.

    o    Zipper is covered by 1" (25.4 mm) wide dark grey strip that runs from the waist band to the mandarin collar.

    ·         Approximately 1.5" (38.1mm) tall mandarin collar with a trapezoid shaped, left-over-right Velcro closure.

    ·         Closure has a light grey rectangular patch centered on the front

    ·         Left and right arms have dark grey, square pockets, approximately 2" x 2" (50.8 mm x 50.8 mm) with a 1" (25.4 mm) high Velcro flap closure.

                o    Jacket has no other visible pockets.

    ·         Left arm has a black Imperial cog above the pocket.

    ·         Jacket consists of several panels:

    o    Sleeves have a vertical panel that runs the length of the outside of the sleeve, rounded at the top just below the shoulder

    o    Each shoulder has a dark grey panel that runs horizontally across the back and chest with squared edges.

    o    Neck panel is aligned with shoulder panels on the back with squared corners. On the front, the panel is divided by the dark grey zipper strip, and comes down roughly one inch above the bottom of the wearer's sternum. The front corners are rounded.

    o    Side panels wrap around the back and meet at the center with a vertical seam.

    o    Front panels run vertical on either side of the jacket, then curve outward, away from the neck panel.

    o    Left front panel has an additional 1" (25.4 mm) wide panel adjacent to the zipper strip, ending at the bottom of the neck panel.

    ·         Material is cotton twill.



    For 501st Approval:

    ·         Pants are grey and include inner thigh panels which run up to the top of the pants, front and back.

    ·         Material is cotton twill.

    ·         Pants include a zipper cover on the center front.

    ·         Pants do not have any pockets.


    Rank Bar

    For 501st Approval:

    ·         Worn on the left side of the jacket over the heart.

    ·         Bar consists of four thin, vertical bars, each 1" (25.4 mm) in height and 0.5" (12.7 mm) wide.

    ·         Completed bar is 1" (25.4 mm) in height, and 2" (50.8 mm) wide.

    ·         Bar is made of metal such as aluminum.



    For 501st Approval

    ·         Black leather, or leather-like, material, enclosed fingers, non-textured, fitted style. Gloves are tucked under the jacket’s sleeve.

    ·         No buckles, straps, or decorative stitching.




    For 501st Approval

    ·         Calf high black leather or leather like material.

    ·         Free of laces, decorative stitching, buckles on the instep, or any other embellishments.

    ·         Boots do not have an adjustment strap.

    ·         Zippers on the inside of the boot are acceptable, so long as they are concealed.

                o    If the zipper is not covered by vinyl/leather, it is painted black.

    ·         German jack boot style is most consistent.


    Optional Accessories

    Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below.


    E-11 Blaster (Animated Style)

    For 501st Approval:

    ·         A simplified version of the E-11 Blaster.

    ·         A scratch-built or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster.



    Edited to include the updated black interior of the helmet dome, also there were some screwy character artifacts that had shown up.

  14. Ok, so here's the inside:




    I've realized there is something that has been overlooked. The inside of the helmet's dome is black! Yes. At first, I thought that perhaps it just might appear because it's the underside of the dome and shadows happen. However, after looking through some images...




    I found the above image with Jai Kell showing his overturned bucket. That's black. So I think painting is in order, as the skirt of the dome is clearly visible.


    Thoughts before I proceed? 

  15. I will this evening. There are no magnets that I can tell. Just the velcro in three spots: center forehead, and each of the far edges of the face plate. There also is no suspension inside the dome, which disappointed me a bit since this was supposed to be a "completed" helmet, and for nearly $400, I would have expected a simple hard hat suspension system.

  16. I don't know what the material is, but I know that Fiernock has stated he uses high quality materials. I'm glad though the visor is green. In all of the photos he's posted, it was impossible to tell, and I'd be disappointed if he got that detail wrong with the attention to detail that went into this.


    You say it's sturdy, but is it heavy?

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