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Posts posted by DarthVadersLT

  1. On 2/20/2017 at 6:36 AM, eliste said:

    I've said this before and will again, but this is patently wrong. Not all CRLs have measurements in them. They may have references to proportion, but not hard, solid "it must be X" in all of them. And some don't even have numbers listed at all.


    I'm working on the Krennic rain poncho cape CRL currently, and this couldn't be more right. Adding in specific numbers in instances where "this HAS to be 2 inches" is a load of malarkey. People are built differently, and ergo numbers on people will be different. The standard is the costume "has to be proportional to the wearer," which effectively makes numbers irrelevant. You come up with your own numbers. Shorter vs higher neck? Broad shoulders vs not having shoulders? Its all relative. I plan on adding a general ratio to the CRL for people to follow and use, but that's it in terms of numbers. Thoughts?

  2. 22 hours ago, DarthFunk83 said:

    Thanks for the advice. I'm 5'7" so not that tall. I'll have to check the spacing. It'll probably be 1/8" spacing.


    I'm 5'7" as well and 1/8 looks the best. My thoughts are that it should be a GML to GML basis and what looks the best on the individual wearer, but that we always strive for film accuracy! So if you're a Darth Vader beast at 6'7" or a little shorter at 5'7" the size definitely depends!

  3. I took photos this morning outlining my ideas. I think it does justice. What do you guys think?




    This one is just the standard plexi glass full rank bar I bought from Etsy I don't plan on using. Here it's used for scale, and the spacing of each tile/ends is 1/4 inch.




    This is with my math work rank bar cut out, which is the same thing, it matches up pretty well compared to the rank plaque. It is also 1/4 inch spaces.




    This is the cutout I did with 1/8 inch spacing. This I believe looks a lot more accurate. I don't have my tunic yet, it's still in development, but imagining the code cylinder pocket w/ the code cylinder in it, and the center yoke, this rank bar fits perfectly.



  4. Gentlemen and Ladies,


    In the midst of my research in building Director Krennic, I've stumbled across an issue which irks me.


    In all the officer ranks I've seen on other 501st members, its always been 1/4" (inch) between each rank tile (push button or otherwise). The current Krennic CRL WIP even states that 1/4" is the standard to meet. But, I'm here to challenge that notion. 1/4 of an inch seems too big of a gap, and here's why. I think the actual space and size is 1/8".


    I've found the following images that make me think that the gaps/ends are 1/8," smaller than the 1/4".








    Looking at these images, there is no way that this spacing of the rank bar is 1/4 inch spacing, it looks too small between each tile for that to be the case.


    I used math to recreate rank on a piece of paper, shown here. Total lengths of each are denoted on the right side. I used the push buttons at 1/2" width as guidance. I erased the pencil lines I used to space it out, however you can still see the erase marks. :-P

    All of these diagrams below keep the 1" height (length) rule true, and the 1/16" thickness rule true for the aluminum rank plaque.

    rank_size comparisons


    To further explain:


    1. 4 3/4" is the 1/4" spacing between each tile as well as at the ends.

    2. 3 7/8" is the 1/8" spacing between each tile as well as at he ends.

    3. 4 1/8" is an intermediate size that I came up with having five 1/8" spaces between the tiles themselves, and adding 1/4" to the ends, creating a completely different size. To get the spacing, I'll admit I wasn't as scientific/exact with this last one, as I eyed them and got too lazy to draw them in. This one seems like a possibility.


    With the photos of Krennic above, I believe option #2 I've laid out is the most accurate, the 1/8" spacing across the board. The only issue I have with this is that the overall length of this rank seems small compared to what I've seen from others on this forum and in real life.


    Critique welcome as long as its constructive. I can take punches, but back up your arguments with proof. 


    To further this idea, here are screen captures from A New Hope where the rank bar seems to have 1/8" spacing.






    Thoughts everyone? Could this just be a Rogue One thing? Or did all ranks have different spacings between them? Looking for guidance because I didn't want to outright make the rank bars incorrect.


  5. 7 hours ago, eliste said:


    The cape collar is shorter and if you look in this second shot, it's still shorter. Look behind his chin for the true lengths where you can clearly see the collar of the tunic peeking out from under the cape.

    The Cosplaysky uniform, IMO, won't give you a high enough collar from its standard build. However, you can order excess fabric from them and build/find someone to build a high collar for you once it arrives.



    Meg, I appreciate the feedback! How much gabardine should I order from them to make a high enough collar? Would an extra yard be sufficient? BTW your Mara Jade looks incredible, one the better ones I've seen!

  6. I have a question on the collar length. Did the group ever come to a consensus from earlier posts? Planning to purchase a cosplaysky tunic and their collar length looks no where near accurate enough. Tracking that the tunic collar needs to be higher than the cape, such as seen here:




    But its shots like this that confuse the hell out of me.


    code cylinders.jpg


    It looks like the cape collar is shorter, but not by much.


    James, any thoughts on if the magnets idea is feasible?

  7. I've seen all these costumes on here and it seems like a CRL model has already been chosen. I'm curious as to what and how you guys think the cape was held onto the tunic? I've seen snaps along the shoulder heading towards the neck and along the back of the neck from various other builds, but I'm planning to use magnets within the seam along the tunic, and within the shoulder area of the cape. Thoughts? Anyone currently doing this?

  8. On 1/14/2017 at 1:11 PM, MoffSchrayer said:

    Is the plaque for Moff depicted on Wookieepedia ( http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Moff ) accepted as Canon?


    It seems to be the insignia worn by Tarkin through the book Tarkin.

    The Moff rank appears in Star Wars Rebels with Governor Pryce wearing the same rank as Grand Moff Tarkin, but with two less code cylinders. In the show she's referred to as "governor" even by Tarkin himself.


    Notably as well, on the "canon" page of Wookiepedia (unsure of how credible a source) the title "Moff" is denoted by the same rank as Grand Moff, just with two yellow squares versus three. An article from Star Wars Insider about the novel "Tarkin" confirms this.

  9. They based the FO blaster off a Glock - I'm sure this is based off something as well, but until we either get the VD or a trailer where he draws it it'll be hard to say.  My gut tells me he'll never pull his blaster the whole movie, and we'll all have to hope the VD shows it, or wait for a toy, but I have been wrong in the past.

    As with all Legion costumes though, the Gun and holster is going to have to be optional - or "optional but suggested pending local laws" if such a thing exists - because some countries can't have weapons, even fake ones.

    The ammo box I'm really interested in though - no one I know could see it clearly, but they could see SOMETHING on his belt behind the gun, and the sign said he had an ammo box.


    Didn't Mendelsohn walk on stage in character there? Maybe someone got a good look or a good photo while he was swinging his arms or something, to get a good view of the ammo box? When I saw the first photos come out of there I was really giddy - I love the look of this guy and can't wait to build!

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