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Posts posted by njakus29

  1. Yeah I might either just order a new tunic or get more fabric. Only bought it cause didn't want to spend big for it not to be acceptable. The collar seems to be the only problem but guess it depends on the neck.

  2. 8 hours ago, Dimentex said:

    Firstly, thank you to everyone who helped in any way, shape or form to get this thing done and approved - I know a lot of us were anxious and are thrilled to see it up.


    That said, I wanted to put up what I see are a couple of issues that may show themselves as people go for Level 2 or 3.


    Firstly, and I noted this in the CRL discussion thread, but it might have gotten lost:



    In the first scene in Rogue One you can see the ammo on his right hip, not in the back.  It was behind the holster but 3 were clearly visible on his right hip from a front shot.  Probably just a phrasing choice, but one that probably needs to be addressed.  (Also, snugly has one g unless the Queen's English misspells that too :P but that's just a pet peeve.)


    Second, the measurements on the cloak - I know we went back and forth on this during the discussion, but I think it bears further discussion.  One, I think 2 inches on the collar, unless you are short or have a shorter neck (neither of which I do, sadly) is too short - maybe change it to "at least" and note it should be about 2/3rds to 3/4ths up your neck?  I know I measured my collar, and it is 2 inches tall, but it looks entirely too short on me compared to pictures of Ben.


    Third, in the level 2:



    I can only comment on myself, but my yoke is about 5.25" wide from collar and the back is 6.5" long from the base of the collar - because I'm 6'6" tall.  Transpose that, and 5.5" could look entirely too long on a much shorter person (one of our Kylos is 5'2", and she is having a horrendous time with the new measurements on the arms).


    Those are the only things that stood out to me that might become an issue.  I wanted to put them down when I was thinking about them to make sure I was coherent.


    Again, I appreciate all the work done on this - just offering my suggestions. :)


    Did you get the tunic from CPS or made? Asking cause I held off to wait for crl. Also are any CPS wool? I borrowed a friend's and his collar wasn't 2 inches so wondering if there is a specific one you should order.

  3. 13 hours ago, Dimentex said:


    Actually, as per the new CRL, it does.  My CPS jacket collar is 2 inches tall.

    That being said, I disagree with some of the measurements, but it is what it is - short of us getting our hands on one of his actual cloaks, we can argue 1/4" vs 3/8" all day and no one can say for 100% certainty it's right.


    I can only hope that if one were to get a taller collar than the 2 inch one stated, it would be approvable - because to these old eyes, it is a LOT taller than 2 inches in the movie - I know Ben is 5'8", but unless he has no neck or is actually 2'8", if that's 2 inches I'm a bug in a human suit (props if you get that comment)


    Which tunic did you order? Wondering cause the fabric indicates wool and not sure any from CPS does that. I also took my buddies deluxe tunic he ordered and the collar is not 2 inches.

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