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Posts posted by Fletcher

  1. On 11/8/2023 at 12:35 AM, kman said:


    Drat, I was afraid of that. :(  Officer hats are surprisingly tall.


    Putting your hats on their side like that is probably not the worst thing (better than anything that crushes them vertically), but still not ideal.  Back to the hunt... those cheap cardboard boxes from JoAnns (Michael's?) that I posted above are still the best option I've found, to date.

    You are right with the cardboard boxes, but I will give my new case a try on my next troop next month

  2. The case has been arrived today. What can I say? The height is too low to put an officer hat in without squeeze. The only solution, put it on the side. One of my hats is made of softer material (which is in the bag as shown in the photos) and can be placed on the side without being damaged.

    And yes, you can also but your SE14R in to it, incl. the holster.









  3. On 10/16/2023 at 9:08 PM, kman said:


    I've been trying to find that case!  I saw one in a random FB ad some time ago, but it was like free if you buy 5 baseball hats (nope) or $39 on it's own, so I sort of back burnered that project.  Do you have the link to it on AliExpress?


    Although I'll hold off ordering until you get yours and confirm an Imperial hat fits inside...

    Sure, no problem:https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005577433251.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.67335c5fzTPpmM&gatewayAdapt=glo2deu
    I will report and send pictures as soon as possible.

  4. Thank you for sharing this! I'm not that far from your solutions, because I actually do the same thing except for the hat/cap. I got clothes bags that have a small compartment for a name tag, this way I can see from the outside what uniform it is. A thought that bothers me: Do I want to have bags and suitcases in an Imperial style, or do I want to have all the 501st stickers stuck on them (Detachment, Garrison, etc.). For me it's a mixture of both.

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