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Posts posted by AlphaChaos13

  1. I can't speak to that, but if what you say is accurate, to me it is a "two wrongs don't make a right" situation. Pointing out other mistakes or errors in judgement should not be a platform to try to push through another one. That should be repaired rather than considered an acceptable precedent. 

  2. Having full reference images of the back of a costume has always been a requirement, so I would have been surprised if this had been put through. Yes it sucks, but these rules are the basis upon which the 501st has been built as the premeire Star Wars costume club. I have seen characters from the original trilogy who were denied because of this, only to have an obscure behind-the-scenes reference photo be tracked down decades after the movie was released! Accuracy is what we are built on, and you can't have accuracy without references. I realize that people will be disappointed by this, especially the person who put the costume together. That said, it isn't right to take it out on the LMOs. They are following the rules.  

  3. That's seriously lame. With a whole new generation of Star Wars movies set to come out there is no end to the blastery-goodness that Disney could stuff the shelves with. I think they're trying to be politically correct by not selling anything resembling a firearm to kids but, come on, it's a bright white blaster pistol for crying out loud. Don't do this to us Disney! I want toy version's of Rey's blaster that I can give to my little sister! D:<

    Agreed. It's all about being politically correct; that's the only thing that would keep Disney from cashing in!

  4. I don't think it's really a question of the person's build, but rather how exactly the shoulder pads appear to be a separate, yet not-separate part of the upper sleeves and shoulders on the tunic.

    Got it!

  5. I'm not sure that his broad shoulders should be a consideration. Just as we can have a 5.5 foot tall Vader or an overweight TK, a scrawny Kallus should also be acceptable. If the costumer wants to pad their shoulders, more power to them, but I don't think it should be required.  

  6. I decided to throw on the IC & go out to greet the trick-or-treaters. Due to the October chill, I decided to add my IG leather jacket to it to keep warm. Those who know me will attest that I am normally very much against non-canon costume embellishments. I kind of liked this look, though! A few people thought I was a cop out there patrolling the neighborhood! haha 



  7. I agree with the facial hair. If you have to look like an old man to be Tarkin, nothing wrong with growing some killer chops to be Kallus.

    True, but what would the call be for someone without the chops who never takes off the helmet. Would it matter? 

  8. So I just noticed that Moff Nyna Calixte has a completed CRL (yay!), and looking through it is seems like she's basically a Staff Officer with the extra added armor and no hat.


    Would it be a fair assumption that the other Moffs would basically be Line Officers with the added armor?

    I have thought about this too, my friend!

  9. A small kid could be standing right in front of you and you could miss them, but after a while you learn to start tilting your head down to make sure there is no one there.

    On more than one occation, I've left a kid hanging for a high-five because I couldn't see them. My IC buddy tells me "high-five", and I hold my hand up waiting for contact! :) Periferral vision is great though!

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