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Posts posted by Mitthrawnuruodo

  1. 12 hours ago, Tarrif said:

    As Ron said, I have no idea why Spec Ops wanted this CRL as it's the exact opposite of Spec Ops troopers, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm hoping at some point we form an Imperial Army detachment, but that's further down the road. I really do appreciate Spec Ops taking us in though. 

    What other costumes would you think would be in this proposed detachment?

  2. For basic approval you have to have the hat, once you're approved going hatless is up to you. Wouldn't hurt to tell your GML, "Hey once I'm approved I'm going to be trooping as Motti (or whoever you feel like) and since you never see him wearing a hat I won't be wearing mine either."


    Sadly at this time there is no "Generic Moff" CRL, for whatever reason there hasn't been any LFL official images of one, closest we have right now that I can think of off the top of my head is a chest up painting in the new "On the Front Lines" book.

  3. 33 minutes ago, Tarrif said:


    Yeah, in Legends it's a whole different suit with a harness. I'll be working on the Battlefront II officer which will be closer to the Line Officer but with the Snow Trooper chest piece. 

    You have my interest with that!

  4. That's a really nice find on the arm band Joey!

    Thinking like a game designer, I wouldn't spend the time, effort, and money to develop an almost identical suit that's only slightly different for 1 character. But that arm band is very obviously wider on the generic and thinner for Hask.

    Still wearing my developer hat I would think they would use the same colors between Hask and generic. But now with this little bit of evidence I wouldn't be shocked if I was wrong and Hask actually is in fact a different color. Maybe next update Hask will be playable and he can be seen in every game level.

  5. Hask with his facial scars, stubble, and belt/holster are specific to him and if he gets his own CRL, awesome!

    My concern about there being a Hask specific CRL: Opens the floodgate to requests for specific officer CRLs

    I think it was maybe 3 years ago that there was a (seemingly) huge influx of people demanding a General Veers CRL trying to claim he's different enough to warrant one. 

    I'll just be sitting over here bitter that there's not enough official LFL art of Jagged Fel for me to make a CRL of him :P


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