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Posts posted by Mitthrawnuruodo

  1. 19 hours ago, RevanShan501 said:

    Tanner "RevanShan501" Guske requesting advisor in Tucson, Arizona or Kingsport, TN for help on an Imperial/Republic Fleet Officer Uniform. This is my preference, but I'm also willing to work on an Imperial Line Officer and/or Imperial Officer Social Uniform. 

    PM sent :)

  2. 17 hours ago, KnockedWolf said:

    Starting off! 

    This is my first time getting into costuming. Of course I’m a life long Star Wars fan and always admired the 501st I thought the best way to start was a imperial line officer. It’s very intimidating looking at all the resources and shops. I want to get started with a hat and the little item that goes on the head. But there’s so many options and questionable places. What should I be doing to really get going. 

    The best advise I was ever given was to find the boots first, they'll be the hardest part to find. Once you have the boots everything else will seem much easier.

  3. IGC does have our "Weapons Technician" and a WIP "Droid Technician" (also from Rebels), so on top of being Gunners we're also engineers and technicians.

    The suit for these Sith Techs look very similar to the First Order Gunner and First Order Crew uniforms, which is similar to the OT bridge crew and gunners wearing the same jumpsuit.

    I will agree that the helmet is more or less a modified Navy helmet, but with a Gunner faceplate.

    So this is one of those suits that easily could fall into both detachments.

  4. On 12/6/2019 at 1:50 PM, Hask said:

    It would also fall under the jurisdiction of the ACD if it was to go ahead

    Would it? If this would be just the standard officer appearance he'd still be under ACD just because they have a claim to the AT-AT Commander costume?

  5. Let's start with the question of why Pryce gets one. Simply put her uniform is 100% different. Animated uniforms in general are 100% different from the movies.

    I can't just wear my normal green suit and say "I'm Kassius Konstantine", the rank bars and code cylinders are different shapes, the boots aren't perfect matches, the collars have those black marks on them, the hat disks and belts are totally different. There's nothing I can use from my movie uniform and have it be approved as an animated officer.


    What's different between Veers, Piett and Needa? Number of code cylinders and rank bar tiles. "But Ozzel has a mustache!" He sure does, but his uniform and accessories are exactly the same as every other officer in the original trilogy. "But Motti and Tagge don't wear hats!" You're right, we don't see them wearing hats and many others in A New Hope are hat-less. But the uniforms and accessories themselves are the same as all the others. "But Tarkin gets his own CRL!" You're right, he does, and about 95% of his uniform is exactly the same as all the others. But he has the dress shirt under his uniform and a very specific hair style and facial features. Admittedly that doesn't really seem like enough to warrant a whole separate CRL, but if I go troop an event as Veers, and halfway through I decide to change up my code cylinders and rank bar and walk back out as Piett that's a 5 second change. If I start an event as Tarkin and want to change to Jerjerrod I'd have to wash my hair, clean off my old man makeup, take off the dress shirt under my tunic, add a hat and change up all the other accessories. Not as simple/quick.


    But for arguments sake lets say the Detachment Leader decides to publish a Veers CRL. Great. Now people want Motti, and Tagge, and Piett both admiral and captain, and Khurgee... the list is endless and all we're doing between those CRLs is changing accessories, facial hair, and hair styles. That's just a nightmare for the detachment staff, LMO team, and webteam. 


    My proposed counter idea would be to have character specific galleries in the CRL similar to the TIE Pilot helmet detail examples - https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TI_TIE_Pilot_Helmet-detail
    Similar idea, just list named officers and show an image of their accessories and a small text description example: General Veers - X# of code cylinders in X style, rank bar is X rows with X red tiles and X blue tiles

    I understand the want to be an officially approved Veers vs. just a line officer, but there's nothing stopping any of us at a troop saying, "Hi, I'm General Veers" when talking to fans.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Aurabesh said:


    Are you serious with this? What difference does it make to you? You’re not being hurt by this, and I’m simply asking a question.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    I am serious, every single year this question comes up, and it's always Veers.

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