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Posts posted by mwilsen

  1. Iv'e never had to deal with boots that rough, but I've put a good shine back in some old dull boots. I'd try multiple layers of black shoe polish. Rub it in, let it dry, and scuff to shine. Do multiple layers to get thr shine and color built back up. Maybe someone else will add more to my idea, but couldn't hurt to try.


    Good luck and keep us informed with your progress, might help others.


  2. Eugene,


    Yes, you can use the CPS deluxe black staff for the dress IN. Unless you want to do a ANH version where you'll want the Fahrenheit straight accross closure for your tunic. 


    Next step would be to choose your boots. You can do either jack boots or equestrian style. With the jack boots you'll want to get a pair of straight leg pants. If equestrian boots you'll want the jodhpurs. 


    So to sum it up: that costume would be good to go for ESB or ROTJ dress IN.


    Hope that helps. Let us know if you have any other questions.


  3. Your link isn't working but I know the boots. They are approvable up to Executor. Unfortunatly the soft calf leather isn't rigid enough to pass Imperator as well as them not being 'english style.' Other than that they are real leather and will last for a small price point. Hope that helps. 


  4. The reason Mac was asking was because they  seem to be about 3 to 6 inches too short for Officers. Look for something around the 18 inch hight. You want them to land under your knees. 


    Keep looking and don't give up. Boots are the hardest part to find.


    Good luck!


  5. Hey Amanda


    Unfortunatly no they wouldn't be approvable. Even if you got them in black the large panel on the side would disqualify them. You are correct with the zipper being ok on the insides for lower level. 


    Don't get discouraged. Boots are the hardest part to find. But take your time comfortable boots will make or break your troops. My first boots left me blistered and sore. You will enjoy a nice pair.


    Good luck


  6. Hey Caitlyn'


    I commend you for wanting to make your own costume. It takes alot of work and skill that I know I do not have. As you will notice in the CRL the tunic section is much longer than the Jodhpur. There are alot of specific seems and details on the tunic that are required. However the jodhpurs are a lot easier. That being said, we can help you out with the specifics:


    1. I have never seen anyone use a side opening, nor have I seen it brought up. May have been covered, but the CRL does not cover that specifically.  I would use the center opening. That is the style every approvable source utilizes.


    2. Your fly closure would be left up to you. That specific is also not covered or realy questioned. My personal has a zipper fly. I think button would be a cool touch for a more hystorical feel. I would say if it is laced, make sure the access is not seen.


    3. This specific is also not directly covered in the CRL, but I would not make the lacing visible over the boot. Keep it all tucked into the boots.


    4. Lacing or buttons here are also totally up to you. I have seen both, or none at all.


    5. No, the CRL does not denote a required length. But yes you are correct by keeping the bottoms completely tucked into the boots. If you are going to use a lacing that will help keep them tucked into your boots. If you are not going to use lacing to tighten them, I would suggest making them full length so you can take advantage of stirups to keep them tucked into the boots.


    Just be sure to use a good approvable garbadine material with the right color. Also be sure to not have any top stiching, and keep your pockets, if any, hidden by your tunic. And if you do use pockets, make them real working pockets. You'll like that on troops to carry some personal effects. I wish my pocket was real and useable.


    I hope this helped. Good luck and let us know if you have any other questions!


  7. Hey Tanner,


    Resizing is actually realy easy. Just measure, snip with some shears, and poke a hole. I used some trauma shears from work and just a nail and hammer. I kept some extra length the length of the buckle for fluxuations. 


    Nice tip is to not make it too snug. Too snug will bunch your tunic and won't look good. So blow out that belly when measuring. You can add some velcro on the tunic and the inside of the belt to keep it up if necessary. This will also keep its placement over the center seam. 


    Let us know if you have any other questions. Good luck!





  8. Scott, looks like you're on the right track. Make sure to check where the boot lands on your leg. The height looks a little low. Hopefully they land under your knee. Specs say they are 14.5 inches tall. Mine for instance are 20 inches tall, but we all arnt the same size. 


    Also, given they are box calf leather they will be acceptable up to Executor given the height is ok. Unfortunatly the softer leather will limit it from reachung Imperator. But they look like they could last you. Hopefully they will work out great for you.



  9. No unfortunately not for Imperator or any other level. The extra detailing with the seams and the exterior loops would disqualify them. You'd have a rough time trying to get a GML to approve them at all. 


    Do not get discouraged, boots are the hardest. Good for you asking first.


    Good luck


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