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Posts posted by Hound

  1. It's fantastic to see that there is a new realistic Canon female Imperial officer character,  for that reason alone she should have a seperate CRL named ISB Supervisor Dedra Meero, as it really is a specific character with specific hairstyle and there are so many subtle differences in comparison to the other ISB Supervisors.

    The IOC would be doing it's members a disservice for not giving her a separate crl as there is finally a female character that's added to the roster of approvable costumes.


    I am at work now but when researching last weeks into these officers I also noticed that there is some slight differences on her coat aswell, or that there is at least a male and female version of the coat with the female version looking much more tailored and the length appears to be different aswell. 


  2. 4 hours ago, rattleandburn said:

    ^Same, I actually already started last night. We were planning on just doing it for meme purposes at AwesomeCon and this thread was just sprung from the realization that the helmet is really not standard issue, I wasn't really planning on submitting it. Wouldn't be hard to write for though, it'd be 90% the other CRL with a few tiny tweaks.

    @Hound thank you for giving us your perspective on it! much appreciated :)

    Your welcome! One of the nice things about our club is the community! I would love to see you guys created a Cadet! 

  3. Hi guys, 


    Since I was the one that created the first cadet costume and the crl it just feels appropriate I just give my opinion too. 


    The crl and costume I created was purely based on the Star wars Rebels series.


    About the helmet, in my opinion there should be an alternative Cadet costume CRL where you can walk without helmet, I walk with the helmet under my arms a lot, and it works, especially cause I have a haircut that closely matches that of Ezra. But, I wouldn't change this crl, but instead make a new one and change the name of the Cadet crl to the imperial Cadet SW Rebels version and make a separate one for the comic version where you can even include the Thrawn option. 

    The helmet is pretty hard to come by because only Fiernock Base designs makes it now as far as I now, and it's sizes like a normale bucket and resin so it's not to heavy but not light either, also I had to make some small adjustments to make it 100/ screen Accurate. 


    There are also different Crl's for an animated bikerscout and a regular bikerscout to just give and example. 


    Apart from the above, I highly encourage the Cadet costume! 


    If you need new pictures for a new crl or for changes in this one, please let me know so I can supply them for you! 


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