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Posts posted by kman

  1. 1 hour ago, lantern2745 said:

    Pallet banding.  When I was interning in a tool room, I had to scrounge to make some springs for a stamping machine fixture.  Couldn't find any anywhere.  Old guy in there sorta shakes his head, grabs a tin snip and says "Follow me".  So we go to shipping, he cuts a chunk of steel pallet banding and hands it to me.

    Sure enough.  It's high carbon spring steel, about a 32nd thick.|

    Now, you'd need to cut it to width, but any good brake press should do the trick.. haha

    Awesome, so pallet banding: free.  Tool to cut the pallet banding $6000 LOL


    (and yes, I know just what you're referring to!  this stuff is clearly thinner, though, doesn't have those sharp edges, and is of course thinner)

  2. This is a cool one.  I look forward to seeing someone do it!


    Note there are definitely a number of details on the uniform that are different from a regular officer, so it may need a custom commission (or to be self-made).  I haven't compared details enough to see if a regular officer uniform could maybe be altered, but just a warning to keep an eye out for those details...

  3. The Imperial Officer uniforms are pretty sparse, so I don't really see that working out well for these specific costumes.  MMCC are all custom (except the face characters, of course), and have a TON of detail and extra bits, so they have a lot more leeway.


    As for which members are first responders, military, etc., there's no formal post, currently, but there's no reason why you couldn't make such a post and see who pipes up!  It could probably be pinned somewhere if it gains traction.

  4. On 6/6/2020 at 9:06 AM, LindsayL said:

    Sure, the one above is new front, the others I’ll do but will need to wait till I can have someone over to help. I live alone so it’s hard to take pics, especially back because I can see it. It’ll be easier with help. 

    I hear you.  I do 90% of my submission photos alone, in my living room, with a camera on a tripod and a timer, at like 2am when everyone else is asleep.  No way to take photos with a house full of people.  Sooo much easier when my wife can help, on occasion, though!  Especially for costumes with armor and gloves.  Ugh.


    It can be done, though! :)

  5. Curious where you found the flat metal for the band?  (or what it's actually called?) I've been killing myself trying to figure out how to search for that stuff so I could make one myself.  I have everything else collected, but the flat metal spring steel has eluded me...

  6. Late to the discussion, I know, but are those actually considered "Chelsea boots"?  One of the distinguishing characteristics (if not THE distinguishing characteristic) of Chelsea boots is the elastic panels on the sides.  Those don't have elastic panels on the sides at all.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_boot


    The CRL specifically calls for ankle-high shoes, as in regular shoes, although it does carve out an exception for Chelsea boots (specifically), which are considerably taller than ankle high.


    You could check with your GML and see if he would approve those anyway, but personally, I'd look for some actual Chelsea boots, or more simple plain black dress shoes, which are the primary option shown in the CRL.

  7. 3 hours ago, SakanTal said:

    Especially seeing how new equestrian boots near me are around 300 dollars.  A little too steep for my blood at the moment.

    If you find a little more room in your budget, one of the most popular options are from Hessen Antiques, and they're $230.  Still not cheap, but much less than $300, and the correct type of boot.  Soviet boots are approvable, but not all the way to level 3 as they are not riding / equestrian boots of the correct sort.  The Hessens are extremely accurate for what we're looking for.



  8. Tie Kai makes a great Hyperfirm-style MSP5, but they're definitely not cheap.  Someday, perhaps.


    I absolutely love my metal MSP5 but it's obscenely heavy.  (Denix base)  I prefer trooping with my cheap plastic one: Airsoft Mauser conversion with some 3D parts added on.  Very cheap, very easy build, and very lightweight.

  9. Given all that, it seems unlikely these could serve as a source for generic Kallus armor, since these are different. I'm also not sure if that source is canon enough to serve as sole source for a CRL... that would require more research and inquiries up the chain.  Not saying no, but definitely not saying yes without more info.

  10. There aren't a huge number who have ordered their custom boots, and fewer still from Europe.  I'm sure the store can answer your questions as to shipping and import duties.  Likewise as to whether they're still doing custom orders.  Seems simplest to just ask.


    Other than those possibilities, however, no, there are no hidden costs.


    The off-the-shelf sizing is going to come from wherever they keep their stock.  The custom orders, as I said, you'd do best to ask direct... even if someone else from Europe has ordered the custom boots, it would be a shame to find out the hard way that they've changed their policies.


    One thing I would definitely advise is be prepared for it to take longer than estimated.  That seems to nearly always be the case with vendors these days, sadly...

  11. On 2/2/2020 at 1:51 PM, KyprosNighthawk said:

    Hahhaha.. Yeah I found that one out about the flightsuit sizes the hard way.  I normally wear an XL (6'2" and all) and I saw on the sizing list it rated as 48-50" US size and I was like pffff...  bit bigger than I usually wear :p  But I got it and I was like @.o;   I could barely get into it because I'm too tall apparently.  My shoulders were compacted to much I looked like a hunchback  (....and I won't even say how tight it was when I zipped up <_<)  Guess I'm going to 2XL  aieee.....


    And yeah I got the large hat and even that was tight, but it still works.  Just need to break it in and get it stretched



    Another thought crossed my mind;  Anyone have thoughts on these code cylinders?  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PV3F1BM/

    My only concern from what I can see is that the the gaps between the ridges look sliiiiightly too thin.  Think a  GML'll spank you on those?

    2XL is a LOT bigger, but yeah, it can be taken in.  Might be a fair amount of tailoring, though.  At some point it's worth considering going custom fit, though... PilotBay does full custom flightsuits made exactly to your measurements, which are pretty awesome.  But there's a fair backlog before they can make yours, so there's that.


    Those code cylinders look fine.  Cheaper than PhiloProps, given you save on shipping.  I prefer to give my business to fellow Legion members, personally, but those shouldn't have any issues being approved.

  12. 4 hours ago, disasterdandy said:

    Hi, hello, I'm Megan "disasterdandy" Linger. I'm in the Boston, MA area and I'm working on an Imperial Staff Officer (black) build. I have a lot of it seemingly ready to go, but there are still a few things I need to do and I would greatly appreciate a little guidance with this, my first build. I'd be thrilled with someone local to help me, but with the magic of the internet, anything goes. Thank you so much!

    Hey there!  I'm not local (wrong coast), but my internet magics can make it seem that way, LOL!


    I'll shoot you a PM to start a discussion.  Or do you already have a Work In Progress thread set up?

  13. WampaWear is solid.  Best choice for flightsuits, as long as they fit you.  CosplaySky is an ok budget flightsuit option... sometimes they need some alterations if they screw something up.  Not as nice (or durable) as Wampa, but they get the job done.


    I don't LOVE Wamp's hats, but they're servicable enough.  I think some of the Etsy hat vendors do a better job.


    Wampa's belts are fine, but there are tons of options, there.

  14. On 1/24/2020 at 12:18 PM, TK1571 said:

    Has anyone seen the IB Olive Green uniform to compare with the CPS? Have a guy who wants to get one but between the options IB has a good package inc. boots and belt, I know the boots are an issue but he only wants basic so zip is fine. Thoughts!

    I've never seen the IB in person... not many have them.  They seem higher end than CPS, and better color, for sure (not that that's a high bar).  Not sure how well they compare to WampaWear's new offering, that would be the more interesting comparison.

  15. On 1/14/2020 at 5:57 PM, Voxpax2 said:

    Hi there,


    Newbie here. I have been trying to find information on becoming a medic, or an officer medic. I have found a few pictures and such, but the CRL doesn't seem to have any medics. Are there any out there that I can follow or am I walking into uncharted waters? If so, what would be the best way to go about it? So far, based on the images I have been able to find, I may have a few options, but am unclear as to which would be best to do for my first officer uniform. Thank you for any help you can give me.


    If you can share your source images, we may be able to help.  Are these from the comics?  I don't recall seeing any Imperial medics in the movies.

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