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Posts posted by kman

  1. 4 hours ago, levipeterson79 said:

    i bought it off etsy so i dont think im allowed to share it but it was only $9!! its a beautiful model and im preparing it for printing right now. here is the link to the place i got the files   https://www.etsy.com/listing/266218516/3d-model-dh-17-blaster-pistol?ref=shop_home_active_1


    No worries, I kinda wondered if that might be the case, which is why I asked if you could share it. :)


    Model looks nice!  (of course, 3D renders aren't reality)  Is the front optic a separate part?  I wonder if you can use the usual mod used on Nerf blasters, to swap in the transparent cap for extra accuracy?


    I'll keep my eyes peeled a little while longer, then might just give up waiting and try printing one, myself.  At least it's cheap...

  2. I can't swear I'm right, but I think 3D prints are usually fine as long as they're accurate enough, and look good in your photos.  (FWIW, I have some 3D parts on my MSP5, although the base is not printed, and I get a LOT of compliments on it when I bother to wear it, LOL)


    Are those files you can share, by chance?  I really wanted to do a Nerf conversion, but the supply has dried up without having to pay insane prices for what was a $20 toy. :((unless I get really lucky)

  3. 10 hours ago, Eiyame said:

    Someone just made the news for getting shot and was killed for playing Pokemon Go. I don't trust anyone right now. Right now people seem to have the view of act violate first ask questions later. Shot, ass beaten, run over with a car, police called (had it happen when giving a old friend a very clearly prop gun); it doesn't matter people rather act like morons right now than ask questions. So for physical safety, leave the hat in your trooping trunk.


    People ARE crazy right now.  But for people THAT crazy, a hat isn't going to make a difference.


    That said, I've stated repeatedly from the start, that unless your in a large group of obviously costumed characters, the officer hat isn't a great idea for everyday wear, for ALL the reasons discussed in this thread.

  4. WampaWear is excellent quality.  As long as you get one that fits you (double-check those sizing charts!) they should do well.  The fabric is very sturdy... which leads the one problem: For those in hot climates, these coveralls are HOT.  For those in colder climates, that's probably a bonus.  But temperature issues aside, very few have any complaints about WW.  Good stuff.


    CosplaySky is always a hit and miss vendor.  They CAN produce a quality pair of coveralls, that are good to level 2.  (no pointed collar in back)  The fabric is thinner, which naturally means not quite as sturdy (probably not as good a choice as WW for ACTUAL heavy labor, LOL!), but it's still decent fabric... and MUCH cooler, for hotter climates.  The main gotcha with CosplaySky is their seemingly random ability to make things to the correct size.  They even manage to completely screw up custom size orders in addition to screwing up "stock" sizes.  I'm halfway convinced they employ mostly serious alcoholics in their cutting room.  But if you get one that fits you well, you're golden.


    Pilot Bay is excellent.  All hand made, in person, by Gary & Shannon Howe (local SoCal members of the 501st and Rebel Legion).  Not cheap, and not fast, but extremely accurate and excellent service.  There is always a waiting list, and sometimes it's quite long.


    Faraway Creations used to have a great rep, but extremely long wait times have turned off a lot of people.  Supposedly the "most accurate" or so they claim.  That said, a buddy of mine just this past week got one after an incredibly long wait, and was rejected because the pockets were attached noticeably too low.  One anecdote only, but buyer beware.


    I think Moncal makes the jumpsuits, too?  I can't recall for sure.  I haven't seen theirs in person, that I know of, but I definitely know they have serious issues with massively long wait times.

  5. 4 hours ago, Eiyame said:

    Yeah I agree, if your not a Star Wars fan you might not understand. And here in America I rather not make the news for getting detained or shot for wearing a Star Wars hat. At a Star Wars event fine, but it seems like risking your neck outside that event. But with everything that is happening and the way people are reacting to things right now, best to leave the hat at home.


    Let's not overreact... You're not going to detained or shot for wearing one.  There are no laws against hats.  You might, however, attract unwanted attention, of the unfriendly sort, if someone thinks (incorrectly) about what you're doing and decides you need a lesson.

  6. Whether they are accurately nazi-ish or not, I agree that seems to be how they are seen by the general public.


    I DO wear my officer's hat to squad meetings and official functions, however, usually with my patch shirt.  I like it... feels more Star Wars-y than a ball cap, and being bald, I have to protect my skin from the sun.

  7. 23 hours ago, Eiyame said:


    To be fair I also troop with Brain (SWExpress) so I am just a bit biased when it comes to that LOL. Not saying that Tigg's are any better or worse. I just support Brian because he is a friend. From what I see they both make good products and its up to you who you wish to order from either would work. Though I would suggest doing this to the back of your belt who ever you get it from, I did it to mine last night and it made a BIG difference.




    Supporting a friend is always good. :) 


    I certainly agree with your second point, considering that's my post. LOL

  8. 2 hours ago, Eiyame said:

    Belt wise I would suggest - https://www.etsy.com/listing/236755230/star-wars-imperial-tie-pilotreserve?ref=hp_rv


    I just was over at his shop yesterday to pick up my belt buckle pieces, and his belts are really nice. I made mine since I had leather laying about I could use. 


    Rank bars, Tigg is from what I understand is popular and that is who I ordered from will take 3-4 weeks though. Payments made through PayPal.





    TiggWolf's belts are just as good as the Etsy guy's, and significantly cheaper.  If you're already ordering the rank bars from her, I know what I would recommend. ;)

  9. Fancy that, it actually was on the website... as I learned from my browser history!




    22 gauge is a lot thicker, though.  Not 100% clear on how much thicker.  I frankly wish the stuff from Lowe's was a little thicker: It's easy to work with, but you have to be careful not to accidentally over-bend it.  Too thick, though, and you could have a problem with it not looking right.


    But considering how cheap it was, it may be worth a try.  Print out the page and take it to the screw aisle, that's where we finally found them hiding, at my Lowe's.


    It's small, about the size of a postcard.  But considering how small the pieces you you'll be making, one little sheet should easily make a whole bunch of clips, lots more than one person (or even two) is likely to use.

  10. 9 minutes ago, DarthFunk83 said:


    We do. There are several Lowe's in the city, but when I checked the Canadian site, they dont seem to have brass sheets. Neither do any other home improvement/hardware stores. But I did find a place called Metal Supermarket that has 22 gauge brass sheets. I just need to go and pick some up. Shouldnt cost too much.


    I don't think they're actually on the website.  And they were called something funky, if I recall.  Took quite a while for the guy who worked there to actually find them, at my Lowe's, but they did have them, buried in a drawer on the fastener aisle, as I recall.  I bought two, so I'll see if I can find out what the package says when I get home, if I remember.

  11. 4 hours ago, DarthFunk83 said:


    Thanks so much for this pdf!! This is perfect!!!


    Ive ordered 5 (in case I screw up one) Charles Leonard chalk holders (https://www.amazon.ca/Charles-Leonard-Holder-Silver-74541/dp/B0013CHGHO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1485403763&sr=8-1&keywords=chalk+holder). I really hope these are the right ones. At $8 CAD, I dont think thats too bad.


    Ive managed to get everything else on the tutorial that Strongbow made, except for the brass sheets surprisingly. I figured that'd be easy, but its turning out to be harder than I thought. I think Ive found a vendor in the city that sells it, but I havent gone to get a quote (or see if they even have it).



    Do you have Lowe's in Canada?

  12. 1 hour ago, shadow5606 said:

    Just to log this for anyone searching. I've been trading messages with someone here on the boards who had some fantastic advise. These boots from Soldier of Fortune in the UK can be had shipped to the US for about $150 USD AND they have calves that are right around 18" in circumference and can go a bit bigger with stretching I'm told from experience.




    17.5" tall?  Those are some big jack boots.  Or is this supposed to be for Officer boots?

  13. 4 hours ago, 9934 said:


    Those have an embossed design pressed into the gauntlet cuff.  No bueno.


    Cheaper gauntlets are available from Leather Mystics.  They just don't have the correct seams down the back of the hands, so they're only good to Level 2. (which is why I'll be selling mine, as I picked up the WW gloves for my Level 3 submission)

  14. 2 hours ago, calmb4tehpwn said:

    So, optional black gloves. I've seen the CRL and I've heard mention of different requirements in comments on the forum here, but I can't find an actual discussion about it.

    Is there a pretty widely recognized source for accurate gloves at a good value?

    What's the determination on the three stitching lines on the back? Which is more accurate, stitching or no stitching?

    Let's talk gloves!


    Which costume, specifically?


    I was told by our leaders that the gauntlets used by Staff Officers and crew were the same types used by TIE pilots.  So the most accurate type has the three lines down the back.  I believe Wampa Wear's gauntlets are the most accurate, if you're trying for Level 3.


    For Line officers, the shorter style is different.  (as is ROTJ)

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