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Posts posted by kman

  1. Look over the pinned uniform configuration thread:



    You'll see the specs for Praji are:


    Uniform style : Imperial staff officer (ANH variant)

    Gloves : Gauntlet style (optional, not seen in the film)

    Rank bar : 4 blue and 2 amber buttons

    Code cylinders : 2 blue tipped dosimeters

    Belt boxes : 2 vertically aligned

    Weapon : Merr Sonn Power 5 (optional, not seen in the film)

    Holster : If you have a blaster


    Blaster (and thus holster) is clearly listed as optional, as are the gloves.

  2. 46 minutes ago, MoffSchrayer said:

    I'm of the same mind there.  My goal is to have as comprehensive a list as possible with examples, all known named officers, and graphics of the plaques.  As well as for it to be easily navigable for new Officers and easily updated as new information is discovered or new ranks introduced to us.  I'm honestly humbled by the daunting task I'm undertaking, but I'll not let the Empire down!


    Probably a long shot, esp for the EU stuff, but if you want to go the extra mile, assemble a collection of screen shots showing the configuration in question from the source in questions. ;)

  3. 4 minutes ago, Dimentex said:


    Yeah, but I disagree - as long as it's closed, I don't care what kind of hidden attachments you use.  I'm one of the guys who thinks the belt hooks are a great idea but ought NOT be in the Krennic CRL when we were told by Pablo they were ONLY there because Ben wouldn't keep his thumbs out of his dang belt and kept pulling it down.  There's a line between accurate film recreation and obsessive-compulsive disorder over looking like you were on set with them.  If you want to make it mandatory for Level 3 OT and not for Animated, cool, I have no issues with that.  But to leave it as is we lock out anyone making an Animated for going higher than Level 1.


    I'm not talking about the animated shows.  This thread is re OT and R1 Staff Officers.  The centerline seam is present, and can readily be seen on screen, and I think it should stay the way it's been written for years.  It's worked so far, why change it?


    That's my vote, anyway.  I'm not the one making the final decision, of course.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Dimentex said:

    You say it's clear, I say to me it looks like it could be either that or less spacing between and around the old ones.

    If we're sure, fine, put it in the CRL that they can be either depending on configuration for OT or R1.  That way people are covered.


    Considering how much time I've just spend handling these various buttons, yes, it's clear to me.  At some point I can try to mock up some sort of Photoshop comparison, if that's what it takes to convince you.  Simply pushing the smaller buttons closer together would result in a noticeably shorter rank bar.


    Yes, I agree the CRL should be updated.  I believe that's in process now, as these sorts of details are hashed out.

  5. 4 hours ago, Thubin said:

    Looking good! Just to confirm, all R1 use the 31 series buttons correct? That's what I was assuming, but I can't seem to find a definitive answer.


    While we can't make any firm calls on precisely which models they used (there are likely multiple vendors, after all), we CAN confirm that the larger buttons match the Rogue One stills that we DO have, visually.






    It's pretty plainly obvious that the proportions of the 31-903 series buttons more accurately reflect the ones Krennic is wearing in these photos.

  6. 3 hours ago, Dimentex said:

    Only question I have is has anyone confirmed from on film staff that the larger buttons are correct?

    We'd have to rewrite the button CRLs to allow them - I know I keep beating a dead horse, but I know of several GMLs who would deny admission on that bottom bar based on the current CRLs


    I don't know how much evidence you need outside of the Rogue One on-screen photos at the top of this page.  They're clearly using buttons with the 31-903 proportions, and NOT the 01-901 button proportions used in the OT.

  7. 1 hour ago, fil5117 said:

    You can see the seams in the film, when the belts slip, and the circumference seam is important for the shape of the uniform.

    Should it be on the CRL, that's a different matter.


    People move.  A lot.  Belts move, unless they're sewn (or velcro'd firmly in place).


    For the same reason we specify what sort of shoulder strap should be use by TK's (at higher levels, at least), and the same reason we specify the button attachments under the Tunic flap, the waist seam should be maintained in the CRL.  (IMO, at least)  That's not a "wardrobe malfunction" that's just what happens when clothes are worn.

  8. As I understand it, throughout the 501st, anything you want/need to do that's completely hidden and not visible externally, is generally just fine.  For instance, Stormtrooper armor has 10 million variations of strapping methods available to you.  The only ones that are mandated are the ones that are visible.


    Seams are visible, so construction method matters.  And Snaps on the Officers tunics are quite visible, there on the edges as you move about. (and often, from behind, as far as the top two are concerned)  A zipper that no one can see which is completely internal, however, should fall outside the purview of the CRLs.

  9. 59 minutes ago, eliste said:

    Depending on source, yellow could be correct. For instance, Rebels is definitely a pure yellow, not amber. But I agree, text to explain might help and can't hurt.

    While I'm here, should we be adding Governor to the Grand Moff? Or making it separate with yellow tiles?


    Rebels would be a different source.  Since the graphic is separated by source (ANH, ESB, etc.), the OT changes I'm discussing would not apply to Rebels or even R1 (necessarily).


    Lots of updates on the drawing board. :)

  10. 3 hours ago, JohnB said:

    Any boot jack and boot hooks you would recommend?  I have been looking on Amazon


    If it helps any, these are the two I personally use:


    JobSite Premium Heavy Duty Boot Puller with Red Rubber Grip Inlay - Boot Jack Makes Removing Boots Easy: $14.97 (Prime)



    (Note that the red rubber inlay is nice, but do NOT use it on light colored boots as it will leave a red mark!  I have a separate one I keep in my armor bin, specifically for use with my white TK boots)


    Roma Boot Pulls with Handle: $6.52 (Prime)



    Other than the red mark issue, which is a non-issue with black boots, I really like the boot puller.  It's a LOT cheaper than the nice wood ones that cost a lot more, and seems unlikely to damage my boots, based on my use so far.  I like that it's small and lightweight, and easy to toss in and bring it with me everywhere.  (I actually transport it to troops inside the boot, and store it there, too, so it's never forgotten at home!)

  11. @bjsavage7: I know you just updated this relatively recently, but: Might I recommend adding some text descriptions of the colors, to the rank guide?  The new version of the graphic attempts to the show the button colors as Amber, to avoid the issue of people using the wrong pure yellow buttons, but the result is now that I have had a couple of people looking for orange buttons instead of Amber.  I'm sure monitor color fidelity varies greatly, but given that the new color used for amber does kinda look orange to those who don't know this well, some explanatory text might be helpful.


    I'd say just edit the text into the post itself, but I know a lot of people tend to save the graphic itself to re-use elsewhere, and the explanation would get lost, so it's probably safest to add the key directly to the graphic image itself, assuming that's possible.

  12. I was messing around tonight, getting ready to make a new rank bar, and took a few photos which are likely germaine to the thread.


    Here we have three rank bars. 


    -TiggWolf's on top (which is pretty universally accepted as ideal, with the exception of not being push button based)


    -Middle is 01-901 series buttons (01-901.6 and 01-901.4, 12.5 x 18.5 mm, sourced from Newark and Mouser, respectively) placed on 1" bar stock.  Push buttons are placed in line with Tiggie's bar.  (these obviously haven't been attached yet, I just set them in place, on their not-yet-trimmed legs)


    -Bottom is the wider Rogue One style pushbuttons (31-903 series).  The closer spacing actually looks more correct on these larger buttons (as you can see in the R1 Krennic photos, too), else you would have a really long rank bar, even for those of us with wider chests.


    You'll note that the top and bottom bars are the same overall length, in spite of using different sized buttons.




    Just for comparison, here are the dimensions of the 901 series pushbuttons (the Newark and Mouser buttons are the same size):




    And here are the dimensions of the 31-903 series buttons (I didn't have any loose ones to measure the long side in the same shot, but frankly that's less important since that's just centered top to bottom on the bar anyway):




    (And yes, all of these bars are backwards, since the amber tiles should of course be on the right, LOL... I don't mess that up when I'm wearing them!)

  13. I was messing around tonight, getting ready to make a new rank bar, and took some photos, one of which may add something to this discussion:


    Here we have three rank bars. 


    -TiggWolf's on top (which is pretty universally accepted as ideal, with the exception of not being push button based)


    -Middle is 01-901 series buttons (01-901.6 and 01-901.4, 12.5 x 18.5 mm, sourced from Newark and Mouser, respectively) placed on 1" bar stock.  Push buttons are placed in line with Tiggie's bar.


    -Bottom is the wider Rogue One style pushbuttons (31-903 series).  The closer spacing actually looks more correct on these larger buttons (as you can see in the R1 Krennic photos, too), else you would have a really long rank bar, even for those of us with wider chests.


    You'll note that the top and bottom bars are the same overall length, in spite of using different sized buttons.




  14. It kills me that I have a grown-up income that would keep me in an obscene level of Star Wars toys (ok not obscene, but enough to make my childhood self drool uncontrollably, at least!) ... and an interior designer wife that won't let me set up any sort of a display!

  15. 17 hours ago, Briteg said:

    I'm having trouble finding boots for my officer uniform
    Found good boots from hessian antiques and imperial boots as well as Todds costuming

    Will any of these be good for costume? 


    Brian Aiken


    Just to be clear, we're talking about Officers (so riding boots) and not the various crew and other costumes that use Jack boots (totally different discussion).


    The Officer Riding Boots at Hessen Antiques are the gold standard.  (note that their website is incorrect, they do NOT run large as claimed!)


    The Han Solo boots at Todd's costumes are a solid second.


    Imperial Boots used to sell officer boots (so you can find some on the second hand market, occasionally), but they stopped some time ago.


    There are tons of actual equestrian riding boots out which can also be outstanding options, but those tend to get expensive REALLY fast, especially if you need custom sizing (think $500-800 or more).  On the other hand, if you find used boots in your size (that are the correct type), this can be the cheapest way to go and have 100% accurate, VERY well made boots.  Obviously luck is a major factor, however, in the used market.


    With this style of boot, be wary of sizing, especially with respect to the size of the calf shaft.  Since there is no zipper, the boot shaft must be large enough to slide over your calf (with the pants tucked inside, too).  If you have calfs of small to normal size, no problem.  You will fit fine, or if anything, a cobbler should be able to stretch the shaft for a reasonable cost.  If you have calves on the larger side, you will likely need to look into custom sizing to make sure they can be pulled on past your calves.  Hessen has a custom size option for a very reasonable price, compared to any others I've seen.  (still not cheap, but WAY cheaper than custom riding boots from any other sources I've seen!)

  16. 1 hour ago, Motoss said:

    If we are going to require push button rank bars for anything, it should be level three.


    We wouldn't be requiring exact leather, no-zipper english riding boots for level one (we would never get any new recruits in if we did), so why for rank bars?


    I agree.  I'm an accuracy junky, and would be happiest if everyone wore pushbutton bars.  But for the exact reason you cite there, I don't see why they shouldn't allow the plexi bars for level 1.

  17. 1 hour ago, Dimentex said:

    $100 for a Rank bar?


    You're joking, right?  Tell me you're joking that something so trivial as a Rank bar should cost someone $100 for entry.  We allow the Disney $25 hat that's not accurate - why put the flag in the ground on this?


    The more common 4+2 rank for commander, etc., comes in at ~$65 shipped.  The $110 (shipped) price would be for the high ranked admirals and such with double rank bars (each 6 squares to 12 buttons total).  I certainly agree that's pretty steep for a rank bar.  The $65 price is more than double what most vendors charge for the plexi rank bars.


    The FB page for the other vendor doesn't seem to give any pricing info, so hard to say about that.  They're also UK based.  EDIT: Pricing quote received: For Commander (4+2, single row) the price is £45 plus £9.75 shipping, so ~ £55 shipped to US locations.  That works out to USD$68.51 at current exchange rates... a little higher than the Etsy vendor.


    All of this is fine, IF these two vendors can handle the load for every new member in the entire detachment, and we're willing to take the large hit in new recruits that this change would bring.


    And yet they still allow vinyl boots?

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