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Posts posted by kman

  1. Your holster is fine, and does a good job of matching the photo in the CRL.  There should be no problem with acceptance.


    The rivets at the end of the stitching along the stitched edge of the holster are what I'm referring to.  Despite being in the CRL photo, they're not actually in the films. So to be more accurate, no rivets should be present.  Note that it's not a problem that you have them.  It's just less accurate.  Had I known your holster was already done, I wouldn't have said anything... in the post I was responding to, you had not yet put in the rivets, inferred from the question you were asking.  So I mentioned it as an option to consider. :)


    Note our admin's comment on my holster, from my Level 2 Executor application thread:

    Here is my holster:




    Pretty close to yours, but no rivets.


  2. 1 hour ago, Willow1104 said:

    Thanks! Also 1 more question on the rank bars what does 4 blue and 2 red mean as a rank for a Imperial staff officer (black)  ?


    Technically there is no such rank.  Due to lighting issues, the 4 blue + 2 yellow "Commander" bars looked red in some situations, but better sources have shown there is only blue and yellow.  The 4 blue + 2 red is still accepted for basic, but has no official corresponding rank, since it doesn't actually exist in the Canon films.


    Note that for LINE officers (not Staff, the Olive Line Officers), if you flip a 4 blue 2 red, you'd get an Admiral rank.  But that's only for Line Officers (Olive uniform), not Staff Officers (black uniform).


  3. Those chalk holders don't look like the normal ones I usually see.  The whole top part is blue on the ones pictured, when it's only supposed to be the very top part of the top.  These look like someone painted the whole top instead of just the plastic tip?  The usual chalk holders are ALL metal with just a white plastic plug on the top. Remove the plug, paint it blue, and replace. (for a minimal job, at least)  (shown here with the chalk sticking out)






    They can be modified to look quite accurate by following StrongBow's tutorial, and/or buying accurate replacement clips.

  4. 12 minutes ago, maxsteele said:

    Oh, i understand. You do it on the tunic, which doesn't have elastic.

    I'll have to find someone that's done it on the flight suit and see if they put velcro in the back. The elastic stops on each side, so i can sew velcro in on each side no problem. And even though the suit zips up in front, there's enough of a fabric lip on one side that i can sew a piece of velcro there as well.



    Yes, the Velcro can go anywhere and still get the job done.  It only really need to hold it in one place to keep the belt from slipping around.


    A small 1"x1" piece on either side of the front would do nicely.  The belt itself stays stationary on the front, even when moving around, losing or gaining weight.

  5. 3 hours ago, maxsteele said:


    Yeah, but where and how do they place the velcro strip on the flight suit?


    I put 4 1" pieces at each of the 4 points of my officer's tunic.  Front (under the buckle), back (center on the seam), right and left.  (The right side velcro is actually bigger, about 1.5" x 2" to support the weight of the holster without the belt pulling down)


    The officer tunic has no elastic, unlike the jumpsuits, but as long as you can find even one point that's smooth enough to sew velcro onto, that should be enough to stop any unwanted horizontal shifting.

  6. 16 minutes ago, nocternus said:

    Preorders i dont mind i do it all the time with Hot toys and Sideshow its the constant push back and lies( they told me at CE they were being boxed as we spoke) it does not take this long to do safety testing, take the aforementioned companies they make figures that kids could come into contact with yet do not take anywhere near as long to test, I truly believe with Anovos insistence they can not show anyone the finished uniform is down to the fact they dont actually exist 


    I don't mind preorders with companies that have a track record of delivering as promised.  Anovos has a track record of delivering, but YEARS after promised, after countless delays.  I'm not ok with that.  Especially when you get into high dollar purchases. ($500+)  (They've also canceled a one or two preorder products entirely and only offered store credit instead of refunds... it's in the fine print.  This happened just recently with a Star Trek Phaser that they canceled.)

  7. 8 minutes ago, Vanedor said:

    Gosh. So glad I have not ordered from them.


    They're great to order from, IF:


    1) You're truly in zero hurry... even 2 years is not too long, and you're ok with being out the money for the duration of the presale until delivery (yes, there are several products that fall into this category...2 years and still waiting).  Eventually, you should get an excellent product, but you have to genuinely be ok with the provisos at the beginning.


    2) You don't need any after-sales support (spare parts, etc.).  More applicable to armor than clothing and other soft items.


    3) You fit an off-the rack size well.  (see sizing chart)  If yes, you're set.  If not, you'll have some work cut out for you, or you're just SOL.


    4) You're ordering something they have in stock and ready for ship.


    Those last two options are quite good, actually.  I really like my Han Solo Droid Caller... which was purchased in person at San Diego Comic Con, paid cash, and was handed the box.  And I know lots of people who are very happy with the Star Trek and BSG soft costume pieces that they have ordered.


    But I'm done with the preorder system.

  8. 1 hour ago, nocternus said:

    Why am i not surprised


    *Imperial Officer Premier Line: Production complete for Premier Line. Still pending safety testing and final approval. Current estimated delivery: Q4 2016

    *Imperial Officer Premier Line Hat: Production complete for Premier Line. Awaiting final packaging and product safety testing for clearance. Current estimated delivery: Q4 2016

    *Imperial Officer Standard Line (Men's and Women's): Production complete. Still pending safety testing and final approval. Current estimated delivery: Q4 2016

    *Imperial Officer Standard Line Hat: Production complete. Packaging being modified for better shipment of hat. Awaiting final packaging and product safety testing for clearance. Current estimated delivery: Q4 2016


    Because for Anovos, surprising means they delivered a product. ;)

  9. Hi!  Quick question:


    I have one of TiggWolf's excellent belts for my ANH Staff Officer, which I'm very pleased with.


    The sole "issue" with it is that the whole belt is dyed black, and for level 3 submission of the ANH officer belts, the belt should actually have undyed edges.


    Now, I've read a recommendation (somewhere here) that you can take sandpaper to the edge of the belt, to strip off the dye, and this return it to the correct undyed edge appearance.  But I really wanted to double-check with someone before I try that on my good belt!  Has anyone specifically done this with one of Tiggie's belts?  How much had to come off to get past the dye?  (minimal, or a fair amount?)



  10. The Star Wars Updates page is where they put the most current detailed updates available.  Currently, it says:


    "Imperial Officer Standard Line (Men's and Women's): Production complete. Still pending safety testing and final approval. Current estimated delivery: Q3 2016 "




    "*Imperial Officer Standard Line Hat: Production complete. Packaging being modified for better shipment of hat. Awaiting final packaging and product safety testing for clearance. Current estimated delivery: Q3 2016"


    It's not clear, since they clear out prior updates (and I have not been keeping tabs), whether packaging is complete and approved or not, and whether it has actually shipped from the production facility (in China) to the distribution center (in SoCal).




  11. 14 minutes ago, DAK72 said:

    I don't normally buy fitted hats so I don't know. I just measured my melon and it's about 60cm or 23 5/8 inches. A quick google search indicates I fall into the L to XL hat size or 7 1/2 to 7 5/8.


    Measured the inside of the hat I have and it's 57cm. :(


    Yeah, the Disney Store hat is pretty much a Small, maybe able to fit a Medium.  One size only.  L/XL, definitely not.  I'd look into the size L Museum Replicas hat, as vonmoen mentioned.  They run notoriously large, so I'd avoid the XL.

  12. What's your hat size?  (actual hat size is best, else do you usually buy hats in S/M/L) I've tried on 4 different Disney Store hats (two from online orders, 2 from friends who bought them in person at the Launch Bay) and they were all the same size, based on how they fit me.  It's on the small side, for most (which is why it fits me).  It's not easy to tell from a photo, but honestly, your head looks a little larger than would normally fit one of these. 

  13. 1. Different officers wear different gloves.  For the black Staff Officer, it's the gauntlet style.  For the olive Line Officer (for ESB and ROTJ, at least), it's short black gloves with no extended cuff, which may be what you're seeing.  Ditto some of the face characters.


    2. Spanish style is the the kind where the outside edge of the top extends higher than the inside edge, to give the knee more coverage, in equestrian boots.  As opposed to the flat boots that are the same height all the way around.

  14. 2 hours ago, Ikas Ando said:

    Awesome, thanks for the information. I am in need of the code cylinders and rank bar, maybe the hat? I'll post some pictures of the Magnoli uniform if anyone is interested.


    Best code cylinders are from Philo, sold here in the forums. Excellent replica dosimeters. I think TiggWolf is the only one currently selling rank bars, but I'd email to see what the current delivery time is, because Tiggie has been running a little behind lately. 


    The Disney Store hat is great, if you're the right hat size. (Somewhere between 7 1/8 and 7 1/4 is my guess) Otherwise you'll need to find another vendor. Sewing Jenny is one of the most popular, but again, she has a lot of customers so there will be a delay before yours can be custom made. (Look for ASU_Marine's thread in the sales forum)

  15. On 8/28/2016 at 3:24 AM, AdmiralOzzel said:

    Hi there! I bought 501st Sovietboots and i am still waiting on them. Has anybody experience with them and the shipping procedure?


    I bought this one: SOVIET OFFICER RIDING LEATHER BOOTS 501ST and the shipping status is now "Dispatching abroad from Ukrainian exchange office" since 22.08.16.


    Greetings Rene


    I ordered from their eBay store, but same company, as I understand it.  I ordered May 27 and they arrived in California on June 13, from the Ukraine.  If that helps.

  16. 17 hours ago, Ikas Ando said:

    After a long delay I'm trying to finally put together an Imperial Officer costume. There are two sites I've found that might fit the bill, one is Magnolia Clothiers, and the other is Anovos. Is anyone familiar with either? Can anyone give me an average on how much they spent on the tunic, pants, belt, hat? (If they bought them that is?). I tried another site in the past, Historical Clothing Realm, and it was a disaster. I have a belt, gloves, and boots, I might need new code cylinders.

    Anyways, If anyone has advice on putting together a quality costume, finding all the pieces and whatnot, that would be great.




    Magnoli is a custom clothing shop which hand-tailors fine clothing.  They do everything from bespoke suits to detailed wardrobe recreations.  They're highly respected in the industry.  Based in New Zealand.  Their customer service is top notch, and they bend over backwards to get every last detail right, and make the customer very happy.  That said, they're also pretty stupendously expensive, compared to other sources.  Somewhat a case of "you get what you pay for."  You'd have to contact them to see how long their current delivery estimate for a uniform might be.  I can nearly guarantee you'll be thrilled with the end product, IF you can afford it.


    The Anovos uniform looks very good, in photos, and they tend to make pretty high quality pieces, so it's entirely possible their kit will be excellent.  But no one has ever seen a finished, non-prototype uniform in person, because they don't exist yet.  Further, they have a TERRIBLE track record for delivering items on the timeline they promise on their website.  (There are people who have ordered armor from them a YEAR ago who still have not received theirs.)  And their customer service is, let's just say, "spotty".  At best.  So you might do well with them (eventually...) or you might have an on-going nightmare.  No real way to know which way things will go with these particular uniforms until they actually start shipping the pieces people have paid for.


    The other option that's quite popular in my area (SoCal) is Cosplay Sky.  They are NOT PERFECT.  Even with their added-cost "custom size" option, you are almost certain to need to take it to a local tailor for alterations.  That said, the starting point is SO inexpensive that this usually works out quite well.  My wife's total cost is looking to be well under $200 (not including hat and accessories, but including the post-purchase tailoring), since she got hers on sale, and mine wasn't much over that.  If you go that route, be sure to select the "New" Officer's uniform, as the others are not constructed to 501st standards.  They generally deliver to SoCal in 11-12 days, based on the two I've ordered (and a couple others I know who had similar delivery timeframes).  (Note: Their hat is NOT approvable... if you go with the green Line Officer you'll need to buy some extra fabric from them so it matches, and have it made elsewhere.  For the black officer hats, there are a number of more easily-obtained options that match just fine.)


    As for obtaining all the other various pieces, boots tend to be the most difficult to get right, depending on your budget.  If you can smile while buying $500 equestrian boots, there should be no problem.  If you're going to wince at finding $100 used boots, it's going to take some searching.


    All the rest of the parts (belt, code cylinders, belt boxes) can easily be purchased here, from people selling the parts in the sales forums.

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