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Posts posted by lantern2745

  1. Wendy, and Andreas - You two certainly know this costume better than I, so your research will be what is leaned on.   :)

    The pants legs seems to be the same to me (as how they are at the boot tops I mean).  And there is a seam down the center of the back still, so I'd think the zipper is hidden there.

    The colored yoke part does seem shorter.  It looks to end at the bottom of the arm hole.

    We can just barely see the logo on the front, but I can't tell if there is any Aurabesh lettering like on the R1 costume.

    Unless we see them again, or get a Visual Guide reference (crossing my fingers) We would likely do as Kris said, and tweak the existing CRL to accomodate the Imperial Department of Research version as well.

    That would probably include a name change to "Imperial Science Technician" or something along those lines.

    - Jeff

  2. 6 hours ago, kman said:

    I don't disagree with the "approximately" language (and it's there), but do bear in mind that the push buttons are actually NOT manufactured to Imperial (ha!) measurements, so these aren't simply simple imperial measurements that were run through a conversion site... the imperial sizes are far worse. :)  The specifications are just absurdly precise because that's how they roll, for major industrial manufacturing.  The imperial numbers provided are VERY much "approximate".  The metric sizes are actually the precise ones.  (Or should be... @lantern2745 @Hask I can't remember, were those measurements pulled from the actual buttons sizes, or is this old carry-over info that everyone assumes was checked? LOL)  There's just not a round number in sight, here.

    EAO, the company that makes the pushbuttons, is actually Swiss company.  The material data sheets providing the sizes of the pushbuttons are ONLY given in Metric sizes.  For instance, there are the OT buttons:


    And here are the new Rogue One-sized buttons:



    The RS Buttons used in the UK are similar:


    Do we want to just go with Metric sizing and ditch the Imperial?  Or run the Metric first and Imperial in brackets?

  3. So I've tweaked the rank bar wording, taking all the input into account.  I think it hit the sweet spot of approximation, but steers towards the target sizes.

    Give it another read.  Now is the time to make final improvements.

    I'd like to button this part up by next Sunday, October 25(?).

    At that time, we can start the count down timer for when it will go live.  DO NOT WORRY!!!  It won't go live until early 2021.  There will be plenty of time for folks to submit their current costume, or to adjust to the new version if they so choose.

    Staff will work hand in hand with GMLs to make sure nobody gets denied during the transition.

    - Jeff

  4. Here's what I'd like to see, and I swear this is the last tweak I'll ask for.  You've shown the patience of a saint, and I am eternally grateful for that.

    The rear flap needs to be shaped slightly differently.  Not symetrical to the front flap.  I'd say half an inch, maybe a full inch shorter, and a bit more contoured at the overlap area as seen in the image above.  That will then change the geometry to make it look longer as well.

    However, the crown will need to get redone to meet it at the back.

    I sketched your hat, and then tweaked it to show what I mean.








    Once that is achieved, we'll need new photos (again) but in the photos, I'd ask for better lighting and maybe with your hair up.  A military "donut" bun would be the perfect look for a CRL.  After photos it's your hair, wear it however you choose.  :)


    - Jeff

  5. Hi! Right now, (in conjunction with the LMOs) we aren't satisfied with the references of the back.

    It seems like they're of several different characters in their inconsistency.

    You're welcome to keep looking for better references, but I would advise against proceeding with the costume.


    - Jeff

  6. Hello Officer uniform makers!

    We thought it would be good to have a quick primer on how to go about creating a NTTL CRL.


    First, decide what you're trying to accomplish.

    • Is it a completely new, never done in the 501st costume?  That's NTTL.
    • Is it an officer that wears an existing IOC/501st costume, but maybe with a funny hat?  That's probably not NTTL.


    For completely New to the Legion costumes, you need to consider a few things.

    1. Is the character a "Bad Guy"?  That's the easiest qualifier, though that isn't a hard set rule.  See Bith Musicians.
    2. Is the character portrayed by a human?  For example, IG-88, or IG-11 wouldn't qualify as they were droids without people in them.  And before you ask, Gonk droids and R2 units don't count either.


    Once you decide what you're going for, and have a good idea if it will be allowed, you need to think about which Detachment it would fall under.  Take a look through the existing Detachment CRL Lists to see which one will be best suited to helping you in the process.


    Then you'll want to make a forums account there, introduce yourself and see if anyone has started on the same path as you.  You'd be surprised to see how many times someone will start their research and then have life get in the way.  Why not use that info (if it's there)?  It also helps to ask the staff what they think.  They might not see your project as a good fit, and will almost always suggest where they think it (and thus you) would be better served.


    So now you have your character.  You feel confident it will work.  You have an idea where to post your project.  What next?

    References.  Photos from the source.  Behind the scenes. Deleted scenes.  Art books.  Artist sketches.  Trading cards. You name it, you're gonna need it, and it needs to be official.  Fan art doesn't count.

    And keep in mind, we aren't just looked at from the front.  You need all angles.  Front, sides, back.

    When you think you have enough, keep looking.  You want this air tight, locked down from the get go.


    This Legion link is the last word on the issue, because the post you're reading isn't all encompassing.

    CRL Guide  Read it.  Know it.  You will be tested.


    Scared yet? Don't be.  Creating a NTTL is the hardest, most rewarding thing we do as costumers in the 501st.  Not everyone can do it.  In fact very few do.  But don't be discouraged.  The IOC staff is here to help!  We want you to succeed!!

  7. Hello!

    So far as I'm aware, personal coins, patches or stickers can be just about anything you want so long as they DON'T have 501st, your garrison, or a detachment name on them.

    ID numbers are okay - I believe.

    These things are 100% optional.  Some folks love trading personal swag, some not so much.  I'm a trading card kinda guy, and those are a whole different animal.


    - Jeff

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