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Posts posted by kman

  1. Considering WampaWear JUST posted up the uniforms, I don't think anyone has had them in hand to compare to anything else just yet.


    Looks like an interesting offering... $425 for the tunic and pants, plus $60 for the hat.  Certainly more money than CosplaySky, but less than the tailored options.  But yeah, with stock sizing, only a select few are going to fit perfectly enough to avoid alterations, which can be difficult depending on construction details, which are unknown at this point.  For those lucky few, however, it seems like a good deal.  And the basic construction details all seem to be present, so if a good fit is obtained (and appropriate accessories added), I would think Level 3 shouldn't be a problem.


    I don't love their hats, assuming they're using the same pattern as before, but they suffice.  I assume they match the fabric and the photo (where they look kinda different) is just down to lighting.  I wish they would sell extra fabric so the hats could be made from matching fabric by someone who makes better hats, but I believe Azman posted at one point that he was unlikely to do that.

  2. On 12/19/2019 at 6:49 PM, LindsayL said:

    Well, sent in pics months ago, fixed what LMOs asked to fix, and haven’t heard back since June. Hopefully one day this will happen lol! 

    Hey Lindsay:  I spoke with Jeff about this earlier this week.  Unfortunately, it's all in the hands of the LMOs at this point.  We don't actually have any control over first-to-the-legion approvals, we just give recommended wording and such for the CRL, once approved, but the LMOs have the final say.  As far as we're concerned, it's ready to move forward but the LMOs haven't been responsive on the issue.  (The turmoil in that department recently has not helped matters, I'm sure)

  3. On 12/6/2019 at 8:04 PM, TheEagle said:

    My GML said they were not approvable. Guess it depends on the GML. Not trying to stir up the pot, just curious is all! 

    Your GML is wrong and should be corrected.  The Ovation Derby boots are a VERY popular beginner boot for officers.  The Amazon description refers to them as "rubber" which is not really correct, and may be why your GML thinks they are wrong.  They're PVC "rubber", a soft PVC, which is different from the actual rubber boots that the CRL was originally written to avoid. (people were trying to get approved with tall rubber muck boots for a while)


    I'd guess there are easily 100+ approved members who wear those boots, and that's a considerably conservative estimate... it could easily be 5 times that many.


    Note: They're not very comfortable.  They're designed for horsreback riding, where comfort standing around or marching is not really an issue.  And they don't breathe at all so your legs will be a sweaty mess every time you wear them for more than 5 minutes.  Many people start off with them and grin and bear it while they save up for something better, if they will be trooping as an officer much.  They also are fairly narrow, so they won't fit people who have larger legs, and of course they can't be altered or stretched like a leather boot could.

  4. 3 hours ago, sharkbait said:

    I do not recommend WTF for anything.  Two bad experiences (one for myself, one horrendous one working with a friend), and generally not being overly impressed with his stuff I"ve seen from other people and build parties.  I think his TK armor is thin, and it's very small- so if you're not a small or petite person, you'll be shimming to kingdom come.  His TIE Inferno (I dealt specifically with Iden, but safe to assume the same for all since most of the parts are similar if not the same) was a hot mess.  


    My Shadow Scout is his kit (bought it off another member), and it's fine (came with a different, completed helmet, so no idea on WTF's Scout bucket). 

    We have TONS of local troopers wearing WTF armor.  TK and TIE, plus misc other bits.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


    The plastic they use is just as thick as other kits (except maybe Rubies LOL).  You're right that their TK kits are on the smaller side, but that's well known, and GREAT for smaller troopers.  He's the go-to for a lot of local TIE pilots and Scout troopers.  Not regarded as the best, but solid, reliable, and generally quick.

    Any vendor has occasional issues, but they're no Anovos.  I've recommended WTF many times, and very seldom had issues.

  5. If the CRLs were re-done today, most named officers would be tabbed variants on a general Officer costume.


    Veers' ship-based uniform is no different from the regular Line Officer, so no CRL was necessary.  Just use his rank and call yourself Veers.  (Just as Praji is simply a Staff Officer... use his configuration and call yourself Praji, if you like, but he doesn't need his own CRL)


    (Armored Veers is not IOC, of course)

  6. On 11/29/2019 at 7:57 AM, troooper75 said:

    I happened to be perusing Booking.com last night and discovered that the Hilton and Marriott adjacent to the convention center have rooms available.

    Both of these hotels are located 0.1 miles from the convention center. A 2 minute walk.

    The Clarion which is 0.2 miles away, a 4 minute walk, has rooms also.

    I booked a room at the Hilton for Thursday-Sunday for $800. That includes all taxes and fees.

    The Marriott is about $35.00 a night more and the Clarion is considerably cheaper.

    Wanted to pass this on in case anyone is looking for a room closer to the convention center.

    It's considerable less than a two minute walk to cross the courtyard. :)


    But the hotels are quite large, and it could very well be 5-10 minutes of walking if you happen to be located on the far side, or get stuck waiting for an elevator, etc.  Still, those are absolutely the best two options there are, since it's literally across the courtyard.

  7. 15 hours ago, ethanlanis said:

    When I built my ANH staff officer, I used one blue tile as the rank of "cadet", but no longer see this rank on the chart. Will that cause a problem?

    Depends on which ANH Staff Officer.  If you're referring to the true "451-style" Staff Officer, the true ANH Staff Officer, then yes, that'll be an issue, as those aren't Canon ranks for that costume.  That costume is specific to the movie version, so only on-screen rank examples are approved.


    If you just mean the regular generic black Staff Officer, then it is likely fine ("Staff Officer, Black"), because that version incorporates examples from other Canon sources (comics, etc.).

  8. Yes, the forum limit is *really* small.  Hosting is expensive, and we don't have Facebook's resources (or Googles) to host everyone's images for free, so people are encouraged to find their own image hosts, and link to those images, instead of hosting them directly here.


    Imgur seems to be the most popular free image host, these days, since PhotoBucket turned into Bantha dung.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gomcse said:

    Hello!   I'm told I need to request that someone in the IO Detachment add the affiliation to my 501st Member Profile. A link to my profile is here. If this is the wrong method of making the request, can you please point me in the right direction? Thank you very much,

    IC 91019

    Hey David:  You need to request IOC access in this thread here:

    Command Staff goes through periodically and updates the 501st affiliation database on a periodic basis.  Might be soon, might take a while.  No need to worry, though, as that listing has no effect other than during elections (and even then, only affects IOC detachment elections).  So as long as you're in there by February, you should be all good!  (It's not going to take until February, have no fear.  Some detachments, like FISD, only update their affiliations once or twice per year!)


    Meanwhile, though, you'll definitely want to post in that thread so you can get full IOC access... currently you're in the same status as a new non-501st member, so you have no access to Merch and other 501st/IOC-only member perks.


    You'll also want to make a similar request on the JRS forums, assuming you want to join that detachment as well, with your approved Reserve Pilot.

  10. 9 hours ago, Gomcse said:

    How/where can we get cards made? This is something I definitely want to do for my IC, TI, and SL suits! 

    These are Garrison-specfic cards for SoCal Garrison.  You can check your local ISG forums... it wouldn't surprise me if you folks have your own cards, as well.


    Once you have full member access you should be able to get IOC cards made, as well, once you have access to our Merch forums.

  11. I don't believe we have any super clear photos of the strap on Krennic's boots, so I'd guess the triangle is optional, but likely more accurate, since that's how most boot construction works.  It is not specifically mentioned in the CRL so with or without the triangle should be fine, for L3.


    The photo you have pictured looks good, although the buckle on Krennic's is silver (easy enough to get the paint off that buckle).  Where did you find the pictured boots?

  12. So here is the criteria for Krennic's boots, at Level 3:




    OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable):

    • Original German marching boots or authentic replication.
    • Boots have a top adjustment strap on the outside of the boots.
    • Boots to have a flat top.
    • The straps are set slightly to the rear with the tabs facing the rear.



    I agree the first boots linked are not the correct kind.  Those are jack boots, not marching (riding, really) boots.


    The second boots fail the "flat top" test, as you noted.  That could probably be corrected at a shoe repair shop.  BUT:


    The third boots are flat top, which is good... BUT neither of those last two pairs has the top adjustment strap.  So they both fail for that reason.


    That said, a top adjustment strap could likely be added by a shoe repair shop.  The strap does not need to be functional, it just needs to be present.

  13. Robert has it.  The original script didn't have any specific historical inspiration.  He was just an officer doing his job (well, much to the dismay of the Rebels).


    Books (written much, much later) made up entire back stories for darned near every character you seen on screen, and it's entirely possible that one or more of those authors used historical figures as inspiration.  The extensive ret-conning of facts and dates got pretty intricate, and people wanting to go in new directions were feeling hemmed in, creatively, which is one of the main reasons they decided to reboot the whole thing and dump all the books as "Legends", declaring the whole mess no longer Canon.  There's a rich source of stories in there, of course, so it's nice when someone dips into those no-longer-Canon sources and bring aspects back into the Canon realm.  (Thrawn, for instance... and I still have hope for Mara Jade!)

  14. Do you mean attaching the retention strap to the holster?  Chicago screw would work, but those are mostly intended for things that you plan to remove.  I think most people just use a regular domed rivet.  Same as you'd use to attach the belt loops.


    And a reminder, speaking of belt loops: Screen-used holsters were held flush to the belt.  I see many make theirs to be an inch or so below the belt for some reason, but accurate holsters have quite short belt loops, which hold it snug up to the belt.






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