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Posts posted by kman

  1. 6 minutes ago, Gomcse said:

    It would be interesting to know what size is screen accurate. Perhaps there were several sizes of compad/pocket combinations based on what they had available? Oh, do you know which vendors sell smaller pads? If the price is right I may buy one. Thanks.

    I have flightsuits by both WampaWear and Anovos.  I use Targ's larger compad in my WampaWear suit, and smaller compads by Panda Props in my Anovos flightsuits:




    (Note those Anovos flightsuits in the product photos are photos I took of my own gear, which they then used, with my permission... but I have no connection to this vendor, other than being satisfied with the quality (and size!) of the compads I received from them.)


    For the record: I don't know the measurements of the Anovos flightsuit's pocket offhand, just that it's smaller than Wampa's.  So those compads may or may not fit your flightsuit the same as mine.  Caveat emptor!

  2. 12 minutes ago, Gomcse said:

    That's an excellent point: my guess is the wampawear compad is too large, and they make their flight suit pocket accurate to their compad, not to the CRL.


    Good catch. 

    FWIW, TargWorx (made by Targ, former head of the JRS) compads are sized perfectly to fit in WampaWear compad pockets as well.  Again, though, that might be a case of reverse engineering to an incorrect spec, too.  They're definitely too large to fit the Anovos and CosplaySky (and likely your Amazon Vendor's) compad pockets.


    There are vendors who sell slightly smaller compads which work perfectly in these smaller pockets, however.  I believe those are definitely a case of purposely sizing them down for the smaller pockets, however.  I'm not clear which is actually the most accurate until I have a chance to dig into the issue.

  3. 16 hours ago, Gomcse said:

    By the way, you mentioned the small window for the compad and I wanted to let everyone know it is *exactly* to the specs listed on the CRL. The problem is the compads are all too large, so either the CRL needs to change or the compads need to be made smaller.  The CRL allows you to make the window larger as needed, but  why not just correct the CRL? Anyway, I'll be making my window larger to fit the wampawear compad. Thanks again! 

    I'll see about flagging the issue for investigation.  Not clear if the compad pockets are too small/large, or the compads themselves are too small/large.  I know the Anovos compad pockets are noticeably smaller than WampaWear's pockets, and they're usually pretty accurate about such things, so it could be Wampa is the one that's too large.

  4. If there is a top adjustment strap, it needs a buckle.  No other buckles should be present on the boots.  I believe I posted example photos in your other thread.


    The belts should not have any side stitching.  Even blacked out, your GML might call you on that.  Even if you "get away" with it, I'd consider getting a plain black one instead.

  5. I'd say the bias tape used on the hat's edging looks a bit wide (should be about 2/3 or 1/2 that width), and there are not enough lines of stitching on the bill (I see 4, and the CRL calls for 5-7... and 7 is most common, the others are exceptions so they're technically allowed).  But otherwise this looks quite good!   I'd say the code cylinder pockets could stand to be a smidge higher, but unless you were planning to remake it anyway, I wouldn't bother changing that.


    Note that we need to see it ON you, to be sure that it fits correctly.  This is why there are no "501st approved vendors" because if an off-the-rack (or even custom!) garment fits the member poorly, it doesn't matter how well it was made, it won't pass.  Things like the skirt being too short or too long, etc don't show up on a hanger.

  6. 13 hours ago, scottrooper said:

    As I am one of the few approved Agent Kallus' I hope I can be of some help. I got my Tunic and Pants from Cosplaysky. I had to take it to a tailor to get it altered but didnt cost me too much to fix. It was more to make it fit me better. David Sack made the armour and helmet kit.I made the gaunlets and boot covers from foam covered in vinyl.

    Do you have contact info for David Sack?  I suspect the OP (and anyone else interested, based on finding this thread) would like to know. :)

  7. 48 minutes ago, Tonydragon said:

    For soft parts I believe the cosplaysky uniform is approvable with some simple mods.  

    Some of the hards parts can be 3d printed, though I'd check on here before parting with any money.

    What does CosplaySky sell that look anything like Kallus' tunic?  He doesn't use a standard officer's tunic.  You'd have to modify one pretty seriously to get close to his.  Easier to start from scratch, I'd think.  (from CRL)



  8. There are no "501st-approved" products/vendors.  Each case is examined individually.


    That said, I don't think there are enough approved Kallus characters in the 501st to warrant an extensive vendor list.  I suspect most of the current approved members used custom, one-off sources.  Best luck is probably to reach out to the individuals in the threads you mentioned, and ask them who they got their armor from.


    If you're talking about the soft costume parts, same thing applies.  There are no large vendors, because there's no enough demand.  Existing costumes were likely each custom-made, either commissioned from a skilled tailor/seamstress, or possibly even self-made.

  9. It's permitted, and yes, there are a few people who have endeavored to cover every possible variant, which really ups their Level 2/3 counts.  (not that those mean much, other than some bragging rights... which I am all for LOL)  For people who just want to troop, it's kinda pointless.  Once you're approved, you can troop it.  Anything else, to them, is just spending more money.  For people who are more into the costuming and accuracy aspect, it's a lot of fun!  (if expensive)


    Many costumes have 3+ variants, depending on swapping certain accessories.  ANH, ESB, ROTJ, at least, and sometimes Solo/R1.  (although sometimes, the base costume is different enough to warrant an entirely different base, particularly for those latter two and when you invite extra scrutiny)


    As noted, the expectations climb with each re-submission, so ALL the little details, including those which aren't necessarily called out in the CRL, are going to be looked at much more closely.


    The one caveat to all that is to not slam our judges with a ton of variants all at once.  I believe there is a sticky message somewhere in the Promotion forums that requests submissions to be kept to one per week.  (Not referring to an L2 submission proceeding to an L3, but rather, avoid submitting 3+ L2 variants all at once, etc.)

  10. 22 minutes ago, shadan said:

    I mean even just a line stating the badge could be either style with a link or description of each would be pretty good. But I get your point honestly. 

    I agree.  I understand not wanting to enforce specific measurements (and no one wants GMLs to start asking for photos that show a caliper display!), but it would help a lot of people with accuracy to have the information on hand for reference, at least, without having to go digging through the forums.  I can understand not wanting to ditch a perfectly good badge just for basic approval, but I do feel higher levels should be more accurate, and the CRL should reference the difference.  That way, when people are starting from scratch, and can choose between two, they're not picking at random and can select the more accurate option from the start.


    (FWIW I'm pressing for some semblance of this information to be included, as we update CRLs)

  11. On 10/5/2019 at 10:52 PM, TKNoWay said:

    Hello, I know this is a silly question, but I just wanted to make sure I ask to understand 100% and to keep anyone else from asking...  ( Yes I know the second part I just put in there...   Grin )

    I'm looking for Cog patches so when my flightsuit gets here I can sew / iron / E6000 them on.  I wanted to make sure I go the proper kind so I went to this thread.   When I click on the link, I do not have access.  


    I am guessing this is because I do not have an approved IOC costume, and I am NOT a member as of yet ?   I know , I know, it seems like a silly question, but I'm just wanting to make sure.


    Thank You,

    If you just want Cog patches, they're readily available on eBay, from Amazon, from WampaWear... all over.  Patches are acceptable for basic approval, but for higher level accuracy, the CRLs call for something different.


    If you want the more accurate vinyl cogs, needed for higher level approvals, I'd recommend buying them from Voodoo's sales thread.  I don't believe you need a full 501st or IOC member to see things in this forum, as this is where people go to buy parts for their costumes.





  12. On 9/28/2019 at 3:53 PM, Temple55 said:

    Revisiting this post, because after three troops, the loops are starting to come loose.


    My question is, does the collar have to be a specific hook and loop type fastener? Or would a Velcro fastener be acceptable for the neck? 

    For a Staff Officer, yes, the CRL specifies eye hooks like you have there now:  "Collar edges are closed with two eye hooks."  The type they're referring to is exactly the type you have.  Just sew them down tighter and you should be fine.


    That said, I personally was never happy with how they held, so I added a larger modesty panel than the stock panel that came with my suit, and use a simple popper button to hold it closed.  It holds the neck in perfect position at all times, so the eye hooks are less likely to shift and come undone.


    You don't have to worry about precisely matching the tunic fabric, since you don't really see it.  Simple black fabric of any sort, really.  I happened to have a fairly close match on hand, but it didn't need to be as close as it is.






  13. 11 hours ago, doc1863 said:

    Wow! Great Idea!!!

    I need to check to see if their designs have changed.  Last ones I printed, from their initial release, didn't actually have accurate spacing.  Hopefully they're updated, as I see Pete made an edit, there?


    It would also be great to get one with the R1-sized buttons, since they won't fit this jig. (and even if they did, the spacing would then be wrong)

  14. 2 hours ago, Gomcse said:

    That's what I thought.  My confusion was the term "crew," which is everyone on a ship, followed by this forum being "Imperial Officers," so I thought there might be some kind of "license" taken by the movie writers.  Thanks for the info.


    Thanks. Yes, I'm aware the jumpsuits don't wear a rank bar, but it might not have precluded a jumpsuit from being saluted and called "Sir" in the movies. I just wanted to make sure how to address fellow jumpsuits. 



    There's always someone lower on the totem pole who needs to salute.  Just a question of finding them and forcing them to comply! LOL

  15. 2 hours ago, seigfreidstriker said:

    What differences?  I'm not sure where they are specifically

    I don't have a list... there are discussions in a number of threads where people have worked on pulling together references and discussing them.  Gotta do a little digging, or start screencapping, I think!

  16. On 9/22/2019 at 9:15 AM, seigfreidstriker said:

    Piggybacking on this thread - the rebels tunic (not the insignia and the collar markings and all) is still the same as the regular officer tunic?

    As I recall, no, the Rebels tunics have some different seams and other construction details.  The overall effect is similar, but the differences in how it all comes together is different.

  17. 1 hour ago, bobafett4ever said:

    If this were able to become a thing, who could make this happen and what's a reasonable turn around time for something like this?

    Biggest issue is there is no centralized place where all of this info is collected, and it's a lot of work to collect info on each thing needs to be listed, and how much detail to include with each entry.  And there's maintaining it on an ongoing basis.


    It seems like a small thing, and everyone likes it in theory, but each step forward I take, I discover other things that complicate it.

  18. 10 minutes ago, wedgenbiggs said:

    We did one last year - what you see is all who showed up. But, I agree - we need to do one again and get as many Officers to show up as possible.

    Yeah, I remember being bummed that I couldn't make it.  But yes, we should try again!  (before Celebration, even LOL)

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