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Posts posted by shadan

  1. Thanks Rikki, and apologies to others for not seeing this earlier. 
    As an update to the CRL, it was given the green light to go ahead by the LMO team some time ago now and I, as the IOC LMO, am just waiting for the wiki to be populated with the relevant text and images by the CRL team. 
    Once this is done it should be a fairly quick process to go through all the usual checks for spelling and grammar and set it live!

  2. I personally agree that the current CRL wording of “five to six” pleats is now proven to be inaccurate and this photo justifies the update. 

    CRLs are ever-evolving documents as new information comes to light. 

  3. @DirectorEdward you can start drafting if you like but just be aware this isn’t necessarily a done deal yet. 
    We have to do it by the book which is the DL formally requesting this CRL for inclusion into the Legion to the LMO team.

    We will then all vote on it, which is documented in the main forums. The polls remain active for one week which gives us all time to discuss the matter, pros, cons and all that.

    After the week is up, should the vote be in favour of inclusion, @Cookiedala will let the DL know and then it’s all steam ahead. 

  4. What Daisy said! :D


    Hello everyone.

    I’m Shaun and I’ve been fairly active here at the IOC for a while now so I’ve probably interacted with many of you already.  
    I’ll be Daisy’s 2nd here as reps from the LMO team for this term. 
    My biggest focus is growing the Legion. More costumes and more people wearing them! More Star Wars is good Star Wars!




  5. I can only speak to real-world military uniforms but usually these kinds of things are a the one size, even if the hat is larger or smaller. 
    The white navy hat I wear for example comes in many sizes but the band and small buckles above the brim all come from the same parts bin!

    So if we know what size these buckles should be then I’m all for including those details, perhaps at the higher level though?

  6. I would be very much for allowing 'real-world' seams which would let all body types wear this costume. 

    In particular using those which are already allowed in other costumes. 

    As Kat mentioned above, the cartoons where never designed for real people and as such don't really work in real life.

    They are analogues of the film costumes IMHO.

  7. Looking good @RobinKrennicDutch and @7959!

    I think we should look into getting some higher res screen grabs if possible. Also paying particular attention to anything that’s different to other officers. This will be to see if we can justify a unique CRL for Rampart, hopefully we can!
    Then we can start with the wording of the CRL text which members can discuss and refine before we create the ‘Finalising CRL Proposal’ thread. 

  8. Do like this idea, my only concern is that it may appear a little confusuing to some people, particalarly when we already have other Rebels-specific CRLs.


    This is my opinion only (would be happy to hear from others!) but I look at the Officers in Rebels as being no different to those we've seen anywhere in terms of in-world canon.

    They appear different simply because of the medium used in this TV show.

    So I would suggest that if we do add another tab to the Imperial Military Officer (non-saga) CRL then this would remain a 'real-world' costume, meaning regular boots, tunic, jodphurs, rank badge etc, but with the addition of things like the 7th Fleet patch, markings on the hat and collar of the tunic.

    We could even potentially list these items as optional accessories rather than a tab.


    Then we proceed with this CRL here, keeping it a separate entry, with all the rebels-sepcific items like you've mentioned above. Noting the almost everything is different to 'real-world' items, this would make sense I think?


    This would give people a choice.

    They could go the fully stylised animated route, OR a costume that looks as though it comes from live-action.


    Just my thoughts but would like to hear from others.

  9. Yes, it’s inconsistency like this that have so many of us so upset.

    If there were clear and defined rules and procedures that would be one thing, and I’m sure we would all accept that.

    (For those who argue that there MUST be 360° views, this is quite simply not the case. The very wording says that ideally there should be these views available, is does not say that they are a definitive requirement)
    But this doesn’t appear to be the case here. We see some costumes get through and others not.

    I’ve said it here before and I’ve said in the moan Legion boards, CRLs are continuously revised and updated over time. I’m literally part of the IOC CRL team doing that very thing now. We are talking about a fabric tunic which in all likelihood has nothing to see on that back than we’ve already seen. The very reason it hasn’t been seen is that there’s nothing to see. There is no hard armour, no backpack, no wings or fairylights there. It’s fabric. There might be an additional seam. And this is worst case. 
    If the CRL was green lit right now with the known sources, any future references could be easily incorporated into the text or images, if required.

    This happens literally all the time. We improve our CRLs when more information comes to light. 

  10. TL;DR: Disney are going to do a version of the original Thrawn trilogy, Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising and The Last Command.

    I know I’m not the only one who believes this and I’m sure many of you here have had similar thoughts but I wanted to start a friendly discussion.

    Those who have watched The Mandalorian episode The Jedi will know that Thrawn is going to come back to live action, most likely in the Ahsoka TV series. But I am proposing that Disney are actually going to do what fans have wanted for over 20 years, seeing the original Thrawn trilogy play out in live action. 

    In the original books, Grand Admiral Thrawn shows up with a large Imperial force out of the blue and almost decimates the New Republic. No one had even heard of him and he very nearly wins.
    He had been sent off on a mission by the Emperor and missed the Battle of Endor, only returning (patiently) when the time was right.

    As it stands in the current canon, Thrawn was almost defeated by Ezra Bridger and the Rebels, the two of them are then transported to the Unknown Regions, again missing the Battle of Endor. This is why Ahsoka is actually trying to find Thrawn, she's looking for Ezra.
    So at this point in both timelines following Endor Thrawn is alive but out of the picture and biding his time.

    In Heir to the Empire, Thrawn locates a secret stronghold of the Emperor, Mount Tantiss on the planet Weyland.
    Here he finds the location guarded by an insane clone of Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth. This clone (with the slightly on the nose altered name of Joruus C'baoth) is actually quite powerful and is needed for Thrawn's plans. C'baoth, in return, wants the children of Han and Leia to train. 
    Within this facility Thrawn finds what he is after, a cloning facility which is uses to create a huge army of forces for the Empire.

    The last episode of The Bad Batch actually shows this same planet and Mount Tantiss itself. The Empire takes the Kaminoan cloner (I forget her name sorry) to Weyland against her will to continue the secret cloning plans of the Emperor. This isn't just a guess because the location looks similar to what is described in Heir to the Empire, actual released imagery by Disney labels this as Mount Tantiss.



    I believe that Ezra will actually be turned (we've seen hints of this already) and take on the role that Joruus C'baoth filled in the books, helping Thrawn to control his forces and possibly even wanting Han and Leia's offspring, Ben.
    It could also be a version of Snoke who takes this role admittedly, in fact that would probably work better in the whole scheme of things, but then I'm not sure what happens with Ezra in this case....

    We know that the Emperor is doing all kinds of crazy cloning stuff. We've seen jars of Snokes in The Rise of Skywalker as well as whatever those experiments were in The Mandalorian. Cloning was an important part of the Thrawn trilogy so this all fits.

    This brings us to Mara Jade, also first introduced in Heir to the Empire. I think she's coming back as well, and not just because I really want her to (I named by second daughter after her!) but it just makes sense.
    There have been rumours of her being cast but the strongest evidence I feel is in the latest Thrawn book. There's a memory in that which plays out a scene from the Legends book Outbound Flight. It is told from the point of view of Thrawn's brother Thrass. It's the last thing he experiences before he sacrifices himself in order to save many lives.
    Years later, again within Legends, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade find his remains and work out what happened to the Outbound Flight mission.
    By including this scene in his latest book, Timothy Zahn has pretty much made the book Outbound Flight canon again. Well, a bit of it. Not quite making Mara canon but it's close, it’s so close.
    But, and this makes me sad, I think Mara will die. And this is one of the reasons which led to Luke's self-exile in The Force Awakens.

    The current canon time period fits for these events to take place. If things do play out similar to the books, there's no reason why they would effect the sequel trilogy too much.

    people might say that they’re never mentioned so how could they have happened. I’d argue that we don’t always go about talking about things that happened in the past all the time just in case someone is filming us. 

    I'm not exactly sure how Ahsoka will fit into things though. I'm not saying things are going to be exactly the same, but they will be similar. Evidence just keeps stacking up.
    It's so exciting.
    Would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this.

  11. You were 100% right to raise these boots @charlyselo. It was a completely valid proposal.

    It's bought about some good discussion from various members with great responses for and against their inclusion.

    I think it's important that these discussions were had here where they can be referred back to in the future so we can see how decisions were made.

    Personally I'm not against including FO boots at the basic level, but perhaps what @kman has suggested, reassessing this again in the future, is the best solution in the short-term to get the new CRL up and running. CRLs are always evolving and that's a good thing.

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